Revived Interest in CIGS Creating Real Opportunities in Photovoltaics
In the laboratory, Copper Indium Gallium (di)Selenide (CIGS) has achieved the highest champion cell efficiencies (over 20%) of all Thin-Film Photovoltaic (TFPV) technologies. CIGS has not, however, lived up to predictions about its ability to compete with crystalline Silicon (c-S... |
Predicting the Failure Rate of Crystalline Solar Photovoltaic Modules
A real-time experience from the fieldThe increasing recognition and demand for the quality standards in the PV industry by the end users, ranging from small consumers to large financial institutions, places strict requirements on manufacturing practices that have never been more ... |
A Smooth Cycle for PV Modules: Progress in Silicon Recycling
It makes sense: The vast number of photovoltaic modules, which are supplying the world with solar power, will, one day, become a huge amount of electronic waste. Masterminds in the solar sector are, hence, already intensively discussing the recycling topic. This is very prudent c... |
Developing Game Changing Solar Tracker
In early 2010, Ron Sade, President of Trabant Solar decided it was time to bring his idea for a new solar tracker to market. After more than 11 years in the solar industry as a project developer, both in the U.S.A. and abroad, he says the time was right to ‘stop digging for gold ... |
Optimizing Revenue through Quality Assurance
Due to insufficient quality assurance practices during design and construction, along with the lack of adequate remote monitoring and professional O&M services throughout the operational phase, many PV systems fail to achieve optimized energy production levels. |
First Major Step in Crystalline Silicon Manufacturing
Making the right vacuum pump choice can reduce manufacturing cost and environmental impact.Crystalline silicon technologies dominate the production of Photovoltaic (PV) devices, and are likely to continue to do so. The continuing adoption of PV technology is dependent upon cost-p... |
The Challenge of Accelerated Weathering Testing of PV Modules
Accelerated weathering is the only way to find out how long a product lasts.For several reasons, real weathering testing has not been implemented in the PV industry yet, and internationally agreed weathering testing standards are not yet in existence. As the PV market will contin... |
The Importance of Edge Sealing with TFPV
Why bother with yet another process step with production of thin-film photovoltaic modules? Because it does make a difference. The value dimensions encompass decreased cost per watt, improved efficiency, extended module life, and differentiation prospects. |
Solar Charging System Architectures
With a growing number of mobile devices and mobile users comes increased interest in ways to prolong run time between charging devices via a base station. Utilizing an energy harvesting system capable of capturing energy from the natural environment and replenishing the battery a... |
Slovak Solar Parks
The Vario green energy group has completed 6.2 MW solar plants putting six solar parks on the grid in Slovakia. The six turnkey systems have capacities ranging from 1 MW to 1.2 MW. Almost 70,000 solar modules will soon feed in an annual 7 million kWh of electricity into the local... |