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How to Protect PV Systems Investments?
Since solar panels are best situated in extremely exposed locations, such as deserts, on mountainsides or even city rooftops, they must withstand sometimes dramatic weather conditions. 20 years is now typical for the lifespan assumed for a return on investment on Photovoltaic (PV...
Thermal Oxidation for Reducing Emissions of Pollutants
This article describes the use of thermal oxidation for reducing emissions from solar dryers and firing systems in the metallization of crystalline solar cells. With an oxidizer, emissions remain well below the statutory limitations for emissions of pollutants (e.g., TA-Luft, Ger...
A Self-Financing Roof
SOLARWATT Easy-In system?a weatherproof investment with first class tax benefitsWith its in-roof system SOLARWATT Easy-In, SOLARWATT AG, Dresden, Germany, is introducing a new product, which replaces conventional roofing tiles and, at the same time, uses eco-friendly solar energy...
Beating Solar Commoditization
To avoid the commodity trap, solar module manufacturers and installers should differentiate themselves. The smart juntion box can help. As solar continues to expand, manufacturers and installers run the risk of falling into the commodity trap. To avoid this trap, they must truly ...
Polymers in the Photovoltaic Industry
The solar power industry is continuing to grow exponentially worldwide and a total 16,000 MW of PV systems were installed globally in 2010, up from 7,200 MW in 2009. This expansion is expected to continue into 2011 according to Kerry Setterthwaite, Senior Consultant at Applied Ma...
Conductive Adhesives for Photovoltaic Applications
High volume utilization of conductive adhesives for solar applications began with the increased volume manufacturing of thin-film solar modules. Conductive adhesives are used to attach and make electrical contact between the current carrying ribbons, busbars and back contact shee...
Electrical and Enclosure Safety for Solar Energy Projects
Efficiency is an issue as well. But more than everything, safety is. In this article, you will understand the hazards you might encounter while operating or maintaining PV electrical installations.
Photovoltaic Modules for Attractive and Profitable Facades
Partially-automated production line for flexible solar module manufactureThe facades of buildings are ideally suitable as photovoltaic surfaces. As a facade is also a building’s ‘calling card’, modules have to be especially well-designed. To make sure that customer wishes are met...
Selecting the Correct Pumps Keeps Solar Cell Production Costs Down
The manufacturing of solar cells is one of the fastest growing power-generation segments in the world. Playing an enhanced role with respect to this trend is the total cost of producing solar cell materials.
The ABC’s of Monitoring
An overview of popular monitoring offerings and optionsMonitoring in the renewable energy marketplace is reminiscent of the metering performed by utilities around the world, or by the measurement and controls provided by the larger controls companies such as Johnson Controls or H...
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