Cooper Bussmann makes smart move with new combiner box.Fully customisable combiner box offers class leading PV system protection, switching and monitoring.
Dresden, Germany, December 6, 2012 – EU Commissioner Máire Geoghegan-Quinn visited Heliatek on December 4, 2012, during her two-day visit of the high-tech cluster in the Free State of Saxony.
As a worldwide leading developer and manufacturer of solar tools the German company RENNSTEIG WERKZEUGE has wide experience in the international Photovoltaik industry over many years.
•Saudi Arabia is aiming to install about 14 GW of solar photovoltaic facilities by 2030. •ISOFOTON plans to strengthen its position in the Middle East, North Africa (MENA) and India: priority markets for the photovoltaic industry in the coming years.