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The Gift of Solar Energy
The news Standard Solar installed the largest rooftop solar array in the state of Delaware for University of Delaware was spread. University of Delaware is a pioneer and continues to lead in the field of photovoltaics, with a wide range of research. Seeing the university’s solar ...
Encapsulation Opportunities for OPV and DSC
Novel encapsulation and substrate materials are the key to the long-term survival of Organic Photovoltaics (OPV) and Dye-Sensitized Cell (DSC) photovoltaics.
Turning Buildings into Power Generators
How dye solar cell is powering buildingsDye Solar Cell (DSC) technology, the biomimetic process that mimics photosynthesis, is inexpensive to manufacture, works in all light conditions and generates energy consistently throughout the day. Integrated into building, automotive and...
Ultrafast Laser Texturing for Enhanced Solar Cell Performance and Lower Cost
Surface texturing plays a critical role in silicon solar cell performance, affecting both reflectance and light trapping. Monocrystalline cells are typically textured using an anisotropic alkaline etch to create surface pyramids, while multicrystalline cells are textured using an...
Harsh Processes Require Hard Pumps
Almatec® pumping technology helps CRS keep slurry reprocessing costs low.The manufacturing of solar wafers is an extremely precise process that puts pumping equipment through demanding, often rigorous production applications. Several of these processes involve highly abrasive slu...
Carbon Neutral Airport Has Come
Advanced solar power solution sets new standard for airport energy efficiency.As part of a major drive to maximize sustainability and minimize carbon emissions, the new arrivals hall at Bournemouth Airport has taken full advantage of the latest Photovoltaic (PV) technologies and ...
Maximizing the Power of Renewables
Eltek Valere has developed the groundbreaking THEIA HE-t photovoltaic inverters.
Building Maximum Reliability in PV System
Reliability is key to the proliferation of any solar energy product, especially those involving sensitive electronics, such as solar power optimizers and micro inverters. For solar energy to gain mainstream market penetration, distributed power electronic products must be durable...
Boosting Solar Cell Efficiency
Materials matter when improving efficiency and lowering overall costs for PV.This article will focus on how materials technology is driving improved crystalline silicon solar cells and facilitating increased efficiency while reducing overall costs for cell and module makers.
The Need for Speed
Metallization conveyor system designs that improve both quality and profitabilityThe pressure is on. In the 2000s, the U.S. government set a target date of 2015 to attain grid parity and many argue that this goal is now within reach. The remaining question: what technological adv...
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