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Business Strategies of US Installers

Installers are the gate keeper in-between manufacturers or wholesalers and end customers. California, New Jersey and Arizona are considered particularly lucrative markets according to PV installers.


According to EuPD Research¡¯s ¡®US InstallerMonitor¡¯ study, the American photovoltaic market is one of the most promising future markets and provides an attractive alternative to the saturating markets in Europe. Several states offer particularly interesting market opportunities for the solar industry in the United States. Continued strong energy demand, the accelerated push towards carbon-neutral electricity production as well as the attractive tax and other financial incentives build a strong foundation for the solar industry.

California, New Jersey and Arizona are considered particularly lucrative markets according to PV installers. EuPD Research forecasts that in 2012 these three states combined will account for 48% of the total U.S. market. However, the U.S. InstallerMonitor study also quantifies the interesting market potential for emerging states such as Texas and Florida.

Installers are the gate keeper in-between manufacturers or wholesalers and end customers. Assessments directly from these gate keepers provide valuable information about current and future trends in the downstream PV market. The study results show that installers in California, the main PV market, see opportunities to expand in Oregon, Nevada and Arizona due to the geographical proximity and attractive framework conditions. Especially Arizona could evolve into one of the most important markets in the coming years.

¡°PV module and inverter manufacturers need to strengthen strategic relationships in the channel to be well positioned once supply catches up with demand,¡± said Wolfgang Schlichting, Research Director North America at EuPD Research. ¡°Improving the additional services offered to installers and the flexibility of payment agreements is also critical to succeed in the downstream PV market,¡± he added.

¡°Understanding procurement management of PV installers, the gate keepers, is critical in order to be successful in the U.S. market¡± said Christian Schossig, Associate Consultant and Project Manager.


 Supply Chain: 62% of the Installer Purchase through Third Parties


The detailed analysis of the distribution channels for PV products also provides unique value. Study results show that installers of photovoltaic modules procure 62% of their PV products through third parties, such as wholesalers or other distributers. However, 35% of the respondents purchase PV modules directly from the manufacturer. Especially small- and medium-sized PV installation companies get supplied from wholesaler. Large companies usually purchase directly from the module manufacturer. The leading wholesalers in the United States include SunWize, Solar Depot and AEE Solar. In almost all the states, these wholesalers showed the largest distribution ranges according to EuPD Research¡¯s installer survey.


Further Information: EuPD Research (http://www.eupd-research.com/)



For more information, please send your e-mails to pved@infothe.com.

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