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Innovative Provider of Solar Combiner

Interview with Mitch Schoch, President and CEO at Bentek Solar
Founded in 1985, Bentek is a leader in manufacturing and engineering solutions for complex electro-mechanical and power distribution systems for the semiconductor and solar industries. Bentek has applied these extensive capabilities and knowledge into a comprehensive family of standard and Configure-To-Order (CTO) solar combiner products. These solar combiners provide quality, ease of installation and safety to the solar industry.
Here, President and CEO Mitch Schoch explains why Bentek Solar is an innovative leader in the solar industry.

Mitch, we see that solar power combiners are a specialty of Bentek Solar. Can you describe how these work and why they are important to the solar/photovoltaic industries?

Solar combiners aggregate the DC voltage from PV panels and then funnel it into inverters to convert it to AC power for use. Thus, the combiner is a key link in the chain of converting sunlight to useable electricity in PV arrays. Combiners also are increasingly important in monitoring system activity and performance to optimize system yields.


Are there different types of combiners for different applications?

Yes, there are a range of combiners with various functions that are designed to meet varying voltage, safety and information requirements for the system design.


You mention that the solar combiners provide quality, ease of installation and safety to the solar industry. What other advantages do they deliver?

We are able to provide a wide range of performance capabilities and to tailor our combiners to meet the specific needs of our customers¡¯ designs, which can vary significantly.


We understand that Bentek Solar recently received UL 1741 certification for the string combiners. Why is this advantageous? What benefit does it provide your customers?

UL1741 provides a level of approved testing and safety to these newly developed industry standards. It ensures our customers that our designs have met these requirements and will perform safely to specifications.


Are there specific markets within the solar industry that Bentek Solar plans to target? Why these particular markets?

We will continue to design and develop our products to meet the requirements and needs of our customers. In particular, our designs are oriented to the needs of large commercial, industrial and utility markets. These markets often have complex and unique needs, given the size and scale of the projects. Bentek engineering and manufacturing is well suited to providing products to meet their needs.


What advantages does Bentek Solar offer over its competitors?

We believe our years of experience with the design and engineering of complex power systems for a range of industries positions us to provide excellent solutions in a very timely manner. Further, our relationship with key component suppliers and our manufacturing experience allow us to respond to short lead times and systems changes as required. Configure-To-Order (CTO) that exceeds customers?special needs and requirements also gives Bentek Solar an advantage in the solar marketplace.


Will Bentek Solar introduce any new technologies during the remainder of the year?

We have several new products and features in design now and expect to be  making announcements in the coming months.




For more information, please send your e-mails to pved@infothe.com.

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