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Q4’11 PV Component Profits
PV component profits are 70% lower in Q4’11, but module suppliers still hold lion’s share.
The Positive Energy Building, One of the Photovoltaic Industry’s Saviors
As of 2020, all new buildings will be positive energy buildings in France. This represents a fantastic opportunity for the photovoltaic industry players.
Launch of Feed-in Tariff Raises Expectations for Japan’s PV Market
The start of the new scheme--the ‘Renewable Energy Bill’ (‘Bill on Special Measures for the Procurement of Renewable Energy Electricity by Electric Utilities’) which was passed into law in the Diet on August 26, 2011 and scheduled to be enforced in July 2012─is going to pave the ...
German PV Market: Degression on Jan. 1, 2012 will be 15%
As specified by the federal network agency on October 27, 2011, the degression on January 1, 2012 will be 15%.
Thin-Film PV Several Ways to Stand Out from the Competition
Currently, the young thin-film branch is marked by shifts within the production stages. Many companies who were previously lingering in the research and development or pilot phase have recently started production or are enhancing their output. Along with this development, the com...
China Solar Suppliers Launch New Strategies to Meet Challenges
China suppliers of solar panels and power systems move toward more portable and efficient products, lower prices, and market expansion.
Czech PV Market in 2011 and Outlook for 2012
The actual relaxing of the Grid-freeze is just the first step, but does not address the further development of renewable energy sources in the Czech Republic. The Czech parliament is currently in the process of passing the new Act on Supported Sources of Electricity, which is sch...
US$6 Billion Overspend Forces PV Equipment Suppliers to Adjust Strategies
Significant industry over-capacity to cause prolonged downturn in PV equipment revenues
Bankability: The Ticket for Successful Solar Energy Project Business
Bankability is the key element for PV manufacturers to get financing from banks and financial institutions for large projects such as power plants, large commercial installations, and the project business in general. As an ever larger number of PV manufacturers enter the market, ...
The Untapped Gigantic Potential of Solar Rooftop Projects in India
In India, if a solar panel is installed on every possible roof, and used wisely with proper storage, the electricity bill will become zero and all within comfortable zone of user. The rush has just begun.
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