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<JUN, Issue, 2012>
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DEGER equips two solar parks in Bosnia-H...
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Weekly Updated Topic > Technolgy

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Assessing the Viability of Thin PV Glass for ...
Recent developments in furnace technology, along with newfound capabilities using traditional heat-treating lines, are now making thin, high-strength glass for various solar technologies mor...

New Generation Grid-Inverter
Inverters are a key element for energy conversion of the viability of photovoltaic systems. Innovative concepts and developments are necessary to increase the efficiency of PV systems and to...

Breakthrough Furnace Can Cut Solar Costs
A game-changing Optical Cavity Furnace developed by the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory uses optics to heat and purify solar cells at unmatched precision whi...

Novel Circuit Topology and Modular Design Ap...
Failures at the inverter level or at the photovoltaic field often cause downtimes of large commercial and utility applications. By choosing an elaborate inverter system, the uptime can be in...

Black Silicon Antireflection Technology
Natcore black silicon products with inexpensive one-step method reduces light reflection from silicon wafers to less than 2% and could reduce manufacturing production cost and capital costs....

Solar Simulators, Beyond the Basics
Solar simulators are critical metrology tools used by the PV module manufacturing industry to determine the power rating of solar modules. Uncertainties or errors in power rating measurement...

Inside a Thin-Film Silicon Solar Cell Fabrica...
The rapid expansion of Photovoltaic (PV) manufacturing capacity has brought significant developments in technological capabilities, most notably the development of thin-film PV. While the ma...

Conductive Pressure-Sensitive Adhesives Offer...
While Photovoltaic (PV) Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) are searching for ways to produce high-performing products with lower-cost materials while improving manufacturing efficiencie...

Selecting Capacitors for the Energy Buffer in...
Selecting the aluminum or other capacitor technologies in a solar inverter is an important issue for PV players. So, it’s wise for us to learn about these devices that can provide high relia...

Hot and Cold
Combining solar technology and cool roofing for maximum sustainabilityMetal Sales Manufacturing Corporation has recently introduced a new photovoltaic panel program to unite cool metal roofi...

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