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<JUN, Issue, 2012>
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DEGER equips two solar parks in Bosnia-H...
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Weekly Updated Topic > Technolgy

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More Efficiency, More Yield: The Benefits of ...
Efficient use of photovoltaic modules has been steadily increasing in importance in view of decreasing public subsidies for solar energy in many countries. Tracking systems have come into fo...

PV Module Production: Overcoming New Challeng...
The production of PV modules has been forced to evolve very fast during the last years, shifting from manual processes to inline automated ones. The need to reduce costs is key to understand...

Introduction of the Selective Emitter Technol...
Before a selective emitter technology is introduced, it is necessary to decide upon a certain technological concept. There are various processing methods already on the market, however, only...

Spoilt for Choice: How to find a good solar m...
Thin-film or crystalline ‘thick-film’? Mono or polycrystalline? German, European or Asian? The huge choice of solar panels available on the market makes deciding on one or the other a real h...

Efficient East-West Orientated PV Systems wit...
A willingness to install east-west orientated Photovoltaic (PV) systems has lacked in the past. Nowadays, however, interest in installing PV systems on east-west roofs is steadily increasing...

Energy Yield and Solar Trackers
Generally, there is not any justification to consider that complete dual-axis solar tracking provides less than 35% over fixed systems in 40 degrees North latitude, South of Europe. The real...

Smart Panels--What Are They and Why Do We Nee...
Expectations of Photovoltaic (PV) installers and financiers today are that their equipment (and in turn their investment) will work in the field for 25 years and will operate at maximum effi...

Increasing Solar Energy Harvest with Power Op...
The race is on for power optimization electronics integration into the solar industry. With revenue estimated at US$1.5 billion over the next four years technical solutions to maximize energ...

Suggested Method for Making Investments in La...
This second article of the two-part series discusses how to match today’s laser cutting technology to application requirements and offers insights into how various features of laser cutting ...

CPV: Refractive Primary Optics Based on All-G...
Rising interest and investment in Concentrating Photovoltaic (CPV) technology within the past several years, and specifically in HCPV (High Concentration PV), have been spurred by the availa...

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