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PV CYCLE Takes Off

PV CYCLE has had an extremely promising start to the year. PV CYCLE now comprises over 70 members, representing more than 85% of the European importers and manufacturers of PV panels. Its network of collection points in Germany continues to grow and it may soon be operational in all regions. In January 2010, it organized the 1st International Conference on PV Module Recycling held on the January 26, 2010 in Berlin, Germany, which brought together more than 200 experts from all around the world. As its initiative continues to gain momentum, it hopes that everyone involved in the PV value chain will join the PV community in supporting its efforts to make the industry ¡°Double Green¡±


The 1st International Conference on PV Module Recycling in Berlin, Germany


BY Jan Clyncke


The beginning of 2010 has been a fruitful one for PV CYCLE. It has witnessed its network in Germany start taking shape by expanding to a total of 12 operational collection points across the country. Its goal of having at least one per region (Lnder) is getting closer and closer each day to becoming a reality.

End-of-life modules can now be properly disposed of in special containers which Hellmann Worldwide Logistics, PV CYCLE¡¯s service provider in Germany, will be able to pick up and deliver for recycling within 6 days. Hellmann has also agreed to report on CO2 emissions so PV CYCLE can accurately measure the actual contribution of module recycling to minimizing the PV industry¡¯s environmental impact.

Its continued expansion coincides with an even more pronounced increase in its membership. It started the year with 52 members, including both full and associate categories. That number has quickly risen to 74 by the end of March, with almost ten new members joining every month. Despite the climate of uncertainty the PV industry is currently experiencing in many European countries, it is confident that the PV CYCLE family will continue to grow.

Its members represent today more than 85% of the European importers and manufacturers of PV panels. Private companies have clearly understood the importance of taking producers¡¯ responsibility. Wholesalers and installers are also becoming more concerned and have started to frequently ask about their suppliers commitment to sustainability and recycling. Thanks to their support, PV CYCLE will definitely be taken to the next level. Its efforts to implement a PV module recycling system will not be in vain.


International Conference


The impact of PV CYCLE¡¯s initiative generating interest globally was evident at late January¡¯s 1st International Conference on PV Module Recycling, which attracted more than 200 experts from around the world. Organized in collaboration with the European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA) and the EU Commission¡¯s Joint Research Centre, the conference featured participation from industry, academic and institutional representatives sharing their experiences and beginning to pave the way towards the future of module recycling.


Setting An Example


PV CYCLE is definitely setting an example for other areas of the world that will be confronting the necessity of responsible management of end-of-life PV modules in the coming years. The European industry has already proactively begun to prepare, which means that take-back and recycling scheme will be fully operational by the time that significant quantities of panels start being disposed of. This may not happen for 20 or 25 years, but not being prepared is a luxury that we cannot afford if we truly want to develop an environmentally friendly industry.

An increasing number of companies are already working on the development of new, more effective recycling processes. However, the quantities of PV modules available are still too low to make any private scheme 100% commercially viable. This is why initiatives such as PV CYCLE can really make a difference not only by contributing to reducing the PV industry¡¯s ecological footprint but also by inspiring others to invest in more sustainable technologies and processes.


 A Responsible Community


Composed of manufacturers, importers, wholesalers, installers, policy makers, and end users, the photovoltaic community has consistently demonstrated its commitments to protecting the planet and to finding a reliable solution for the adequate disposal of modules. There has been a lot to be learned since the first PV installations. The technology is out there but recycling will only be possible with the support of the people involved in the whole PV value chain. They are the reason why PV CYCLE was created. They are the reason why PV CYCLE operates.  



Jan Clyncke is Managing Director of PV CYCLE (www.pvcycle.org).



For more information, please send your e-mails to pved@infothe.com.

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