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Global PV Market Exceeded 7 GW in 2009

Almost 7.5 GW of new PV capacity was added worldwide in 2009, confirmed IMS Research.

On 9th April, the German Federal Network Agency finally released its December figures for new PV installations confirming IMS Research¡¯s earlier predictions that the German market grew massively in 2009 to reach 3.8 GW, and in fact the global PV market saw double-digit growth.

PV Research Director, Ash Sharma commented, ¡°An incredible 1.5 GW of new capacity was installed in Germany in December. This was earlier predicted by IMS Research which measured inverter shipments at 3.5 GW in Q4¡¯09, and also predicted that the global PV market grew by 25% to exceed 7 GW.¡±

Despite the upcoming cut to Germany¡¯s FiT, IMS Research still forecasts the global PV market will grow in 2010, up to 10 GW in terms of new installations with strong demand coming from manydifferent countries.



For more information, please send your e-mails to pved@infothe.com.

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