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Meyer Burger Technology

Meyer Burger stands for leading-edge photovoltaic technologies. As a leading partner of the solar industry, Meyer Burger is an important player in the creation of a sustainable and profitable energy mix for the future.


Meyer Burger stands for leading-edge photovoltaic technologies. As a leading partner of the solar industry, Meyer Burger is an important player in the creation of a sustainable and profitable energy mix for the future. The core competencies and process know-how of all members in the group help contribute to a continuous reduction in manufacturing costs for solar systems, which promotes the application of clean technology worldwide. The advanced technologies of the Meyer Burger Group are a significant factor in the success of pioneering projects such as the circumnavigation of the globe by the solar ship PlanetSolar or the solar airplane Solar Impulse.

The globally active technology group employs more than 1,000 people across three continents. Meyer Burger offers its customers comprehensive solutions and complementary technologies along the entire value chain including wafering, cells, modules and integrated solar systems.

The systems, expertise and technologies of Meyer Burger Group are also deployed in the semiconductor and optical industries. The group¡¯s core competences encompass a broad range of production processes, installations and systems, which are used to produce ultra-thin, high-quality solar wafers and to inspect solar cells. In January 2010, Meyer Burger merged with 3S Industries Ltd, the world¡¯s market leader in turnkey production facilities and equipment for the manufacture of solar modules. Through this merger, the group now also covers the entire value chain for solar module production and offers building-integrated solar energy systems.



main product

Wafer Manufacture, Solar Cell Process, Module Production, Building Integrated Systems, Maintenance




For more information, please send your e-mails to pved@infothe.com.

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