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BREYER GmbH Maschinenfabrik

Low Shrinkage Encapsulation Film Allows Higher Process Rates


Breyer was founded in 1949 by Anton Breyer. Only a few years later, the company entered into

the market of extrusion technology. Today, Breyer is recognized throughout the world as one of the leading manufacturers of systems for the processing of thermoplastics and has specialized in economically-working extrusion lines. Due to the concentration of the technical know-how and the permanent further technological developments, it was possible to reach worldwide a technical leading position for the above mentioned lines. With 330 employees, including 35 trainees, the company reaches a turnover of approximately 55 million euros; its export covers about 90% of its business. Breyer strives to continuously improve its products for your company¡¯s benefit.




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New Extension Lines for Encapsulation Film


Low Shrinkage Encapsulation Film Allows Higher Process Rates

Encapsulation film produced on regular extrusion lines has naturally a shrinkage which effects not only the process of laminating, but can result in destroyed wafers and, therefore, creating waste and thus increased production costs.

A low-shrinkage film allows a smooth and fast laminating process. The more shrinkage a film has, the more carefully the warm up procedure must be controlled and could increase the laminating time.

With Breyers new extrusion process, the first time it is possible to extrude EVA film at a high speed by keeping the shrinkage low. That ensures not only a more profitable manufacturing of film, but also an advantage in the sales of such film.

For the module manufacturers, it means that they can run their laminators more stable and as fast as possible by using low shrinkage film. They will have the advantage of more trouble-free production

combined with a more reliable and efficient manufacturing by using low shrinkage film. Notable module manufacturers are, therefore, very much interested in getting low shrinkage film.

Since the regular extrusion systems are limited to a certain speed/output, BREYER has developed a profitable system for the production of EVA film and other gluey materials. Beside of the production of low-shrinkage film, the system allows on top much higher speed and, therefore, higher output compared with typical extrusion systems.

Furthermore, due to the special surface of the EVA film, no PE liner is necessary anymore. The rolls can be winded without PE film in between.

EVA film makers are faced to a higher profitability by using the new technology of Breyer¡¯s extrusion line since the output is much higher. Because of the improved properties and performance, this EVA film is about to set a complete new standard in the encapsulation film and its procedure during laminating. End of January 2010 T V Rheinland has completed the module test with EVA encapsulation film from Breyer¡¯s line with success.














For more information, please send your e-mails to pved@infothe.com.

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