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  Tigo Energy

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Tigo Energy

Tigo Energy provides more energy, active management, and enhanced safety for solar plants of all sizes through advanced module-level electronics.


Tigo Energy provides more energy, active management, and enhanced safety for solar plants of all sizes through advanced module-level electronics. The company¡¯s Module Maximizer, basedon a proprietary approach called ¡°Impedance Matching¡±, offers the highest efficiency, lowestcost, and best reliability of any distributed MPP solution. As module-level electronics becomemore commonly used, Tigo Energy is a partner of choice for project integrators and module manufacturers.
Tigo Energy¡¯s products are used in all geographies (Asia, Europe, and North America), on projects of all sizes (residential, commercial, and utility-scale). The Module Maximizer represents the first truly scalable solution for increasing energy harvest, accessing module-level
data, and improving the safety of a solar plant.


main product

Tigo Energy Module Maximizer, Module-Level, High-Efficiency MPP Control for Maximum Power Production




For more information, please send your e-mails to pved@infothe.com.

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