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The Sun¡¯s Energy, The Strength of the Roof

With over 50 years of experience in the production of steel plates to protect the multilayer Ondulit has developed reliable photovoltaic roofing systems, integrated and versatile.

By Alberto Andreoli


Steel, aluminum and plastic compound bituminous materials, for their synergistic features and performance, have joined together to form a single element: the steel plate to protect the plywood. The continuous process, patented by Ondulit in the mid 50s and improved over the decades through continuous research, provides the perfect combination of the three components.

The result is complete with high efficiency and reliability.

Soul and structural element of the protection system is multi-layered steel. This ensures low thermal expansion and provides unbreakable strength.

The bituminous plastic compound is consist of steel, protecting it from oxidation. Soundproof sheet filing the sound of the rain or hail. Aluminium, finally, is consist of the bituminous mixture and steel providing high aesthetic value.

Exceptional corrosion resistance, high coefficient of thermal insulation, excellent ability to sound insulation and aesthetic value are the main performance of the multilayer system. This Ondulit Coverib plates are widely used in any type of atmospheric environment, in any urban landscape and any type of architectural structure.

Ondulit has always pursued the values and factors that constitute the development of a business: research, process & product innovation, sales network, together with the design community. Always attentive to the the dynamics of the sector, Ondulit created specific systems for all types of technical and design requirements, and is capable of providing high flexibility and respect to market demands.

All roofing systems that are equiped with Ondulit insulation and ventilation are suitable for any type of coverage and any architectural requirement. Ondulit office also highly specialized and will be available to identify the technical coverage that meets specific requirements in accordance with the complex regulations that govern this area. Ondulit also provides technical assistance during construction, from site inspection on site; the graphic design with detailed drawings, the bill of materials that are specifically produced then, everything is tailored to the client, the designer and the installer.

In continuous research and innovation, Ondulit spent a couple of years in the field of new energy, with a reputation earned.

Enercover is the new system that integrates the steel roofing and plywood Ondulit adapt photovoltaic technologies to. Enercover is a collaboration of two highly specialized industries and experience: Ondulit and United Solar Ovonic, an U.S. company that has developed since the 70s in amorphous silicon photovoltaic technology, and today is a leader in the production of flexible thin-film modules.

Enercover is the new photovoltaic system on Ondulit roofing. It is conceived to allow the essential functional separation between the roofing and the photovoltaic element. It can also be installed on other roofing as long as these provide the necessary guarantees of reliability, with no maintenance, at least for the following 20 years. For this evident long lasting characteristic, with absolutely no maintenance, Ondulit roofing systems are especially suited for any photovoltaic solution, also in crystalline silicon.

Enercover is the system that uses photovoltaic modules in flexible thin-film amorphous silicon, which is applicable to any type of metal roofing with the criteria of functional separation. Conform to the specifications of the GSE, Enercover meets the criteria for architectural integration, provides tax benefits and guarantees high returns.


Enercover is applicable to all systems Ondulit Coverib. These include in particular the integration with Ventilcover, the integrated system for converting a flat roof to a pitched roof ventilated.

A system of precast Ventilcover resolve permanently the limits of reliability of the flat roofs, while ensuring optimal control of the building.

Thanks to the high yields of Enercover and UNI-SOLAR, even when used at low inclinations, Ventilcover carries the full function of photovoltaic roofing system.

In this way, we obtain a number of additional benefits with only one application:

-Long Term reliability: the immediate flow of the water-proofing is assures over time;

-Integration and functional requirements are met for the total integration of architectural and design principles of functional separation between the tire and photovoltaic generator;

-Installation contextual: you can seal the building quickly and independently of installing the photovoltaic system;

-Durability certified: the application experience and certifications available (ITC-CNR 645/047) demonstrating that the expected life of the roofing system is consistent with the duration of the incentives in the Energy Bill (20years);

-Energy efficiency: the cover system is both an active (energy production) and passive system (high insulating power) for a perfect control of the building energy management.

Even in the context of photovoltaic modules, rigid support system and docking modules to cover is a very important component. In addition to ensuring adequate mechanical strength, especially to the power of the wind, the system should not jeopardize the tightness of the cover with perforations or obstructions to drainage. For this, Ondulit has also developed the Easy Fix mounting system for crystalline modules on slabs Ondulit Coverib.

The crystalline silicon panels or amorphous silicon plates are going well with Ondulit Coverib-certified facilities where reliability was required for a photovoltaic roof, so as not to endanger the viability of the project.

Enercover Top is the photovoltaic system that uses flexible modules of amorphous silicon thin film, which is applicable to any type of metal roofing with the criteria of functional separation. Enercover Base consicts of of the same PV laminates applied to a corrugated steel roof that is both fretted and photovoltaic module.

Enercover Base will be installed on existing metal roofing, while Enercover Top crossbar solution, will be applied on the shell-Ondulit Coverib Interporto warehouse already in place on a dozen years.

Ondulit Italian has reached agreement with Enel Green Power to supply and install modules Enercover necessary for the realization of PV systems integrated with metal roofs present in CIS-Freight. 


 Alberto Andreoli is VP & Head of PV Department in Ondulit Italian spa (http://www.ondulit.com/).



For more information, please send your e-mails to pved@infothe.com.

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