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Evans Analytical Group (EAG)

Evans Analytical Group¢ç (EAG) has been a global leader in surface analysis and materials characterization for over 30 years, delivering innovative analytical services and solutions with uncompromising scientific integrity.


Since its inception in 1978 as Charles Evans & Associates, Evans Analytical Group (EAG)s guiding principal has been innovative problem solving underscored by a commitment to excellence.

Today, its clients continue to push the physical boundaries in materials science in their quest to develop better, faster, more reliable products and manufacturing processes. EAG is with them at every step, expanding its capabilities, pushing the analytical envelope to meet their needs, and developing improved test protocols and methods for examining material structures at the nano level. It is for these reasons that EAG is the analytical services provider of choice for the semiconductor, biosciences, communications, laser/optic, data storage, automotive, defense, and aerospace industries.

EAG with its wide array of analysis techniques and world-class scientists can provide fast, state-of-the-art measurements that can help give PV manufacturers the insight they need to improve their product¡¯s performance and manufacturing processes.


main product: Analytic Services



For more information, please send your e-mails to pved@infothe.com.

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