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Wakom Semiconductor Corp.


Wakom Semiconductor Corp. is located in Hukou Industrial Park, Hsinchu County, Taiwan. With most of its main customers located in North Asia now, Wakom entered the Korea Solar PV market in 2010, and hopes to promote its equipments and expand its business area in the future.

With a focus on silicon solar cell process, Wakom Semiconductor provides mass production tools to the solar cell industry, including wet benches for Alkaline and Acidic Texture processes to reduce surface reflectivity and improve solar cell conversion efficiency, and also provides other wet processes for cleaning equipments such as PSG Removal, Wafer Pre-clean, SiNx Removal equipments. Wakom Semiconductor also provides vacuum equipment for PECVD and solar cell wafer carriers.

In order to provide customers with better and more reliable equipments, Wakom Semiconductor invested in laboratories and fab facilities for process research and development. With continuous improvement and innovation, Wakom Semiconductor wants to be your first choice for solar cell production.


main product

Solar Cell Saw Damage Etching and Alkaline Texturing Equipment, PVT20



-Fully Automated Alkaline Texturing System

-Machine Status Monitor & Process Control

-Chemical Auto Dosing System

-Off-line Process Monitor Support

-High throughput and low wafer breakage rate

-Special Wafer Drying System

-Custom Design available upon request

-Alkaline Texturing Recipe Support



-Throughput: 1200 PCS/HR (30MW), 2400 PCS/HR (60MW)

-Wafer Breakage Rate: < 0.05%

-Dimension: L11 x W2 x H2.5 (m) (30MW), L15 x W2 x H2.5 (m) (60MW)




For more information, please send your e-mails to pved@infothe.com.

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