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Lohmann Tapes


In 1851, almost 160 years ago, FJC Lscher started a business that laid the foundation for the modern enterprise. In 1938, Lohmann started the production of double-sided adhesive tapes. Lohmann is today one of the few adhesive tape manufacturers worldwide covering the complete value chain of innovative bonding solutions. The company¡¯s capabilities, with approximately 1,400 employees and a turnover of approx. 200 million, span from adhesive polymerization and formulation to coating, converting and supplying intricate die-cut-parts. Lohmann covers the market segments of Transportation, Consumer Goods & Electronics, Building & Construction, Graphics, Renewable Energies, Mobile Communication, Medical and Hygiene. Approx. 85% of all products are customized. The Lohmann Adhesive Tape Group has subsidiaries in Italy, France, Spain, Poland, Austria, Great Britain, Denmark, Sweden, Russia, Ukraine, China, Korea, U.S.A., Mexico and India. Furthermore, the group has sales partners in more than 50 countries. To provide an after-sales service and a special technical support is one of the essential points in the company¡¯s sales strategy. The company¡¯s new claim is ¡®The Bonding Engineers¡¯, which implicates, Lohmann offers great expertise in engineering new adhesive solutions and serves the customers from the first idea up to automatic applications.


main product

DuploCOLL¢ç Adhesive Tapes for the Framing of Solar Modules


To secure the laminates against mechanical loads and in order to mount them easily on the roof, these laminates are bond in an aluminium frame by using a special pure acrylic double-sided adhesive tape. Is the application finished, the tape encloses the laminate in an ¡®u-bend¡¯. Using an adhesive tape during this procedure offers a lot of advantages: The tape has a defined thickness and therefore, a defined quantity of the material between laminate and frame is always guaranteed. While the tape does not pollute the module, there is no cleaning necessary. Furthermore, the application technology is less complicated and needs less servicing. As the module can be moved and packed directly after the bonding, the cycle times of the complete process can be reduced. All in all, very high quality combined with many features characterizes these special adhesive tapes. In-house climatic change testings and moisture-heat storage conditions ensure the quality of the adhesive bonds by certificates. The junction boxes of solar modules are bonded with double-sided adhesive die-cuts also, which offers similar advantages.



For more information, please send your e-mails to pved@infothe.com.

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