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Meco Equipment Engineers BV


Meco (a division of the Besi group) designs, manufactures and supplies plating systems to suit a wide variety of products. Over the years, these systems have established an international reputation for high performance, outstanding reliability, top quality and unbeatable economy.

This is the result of over 30 years of experience in designing, manufacturing and plating. Furthermore, Meco can supply, install and service its plating systems in any industrialized country, thanks to an organization comprising international sales and service centers.

Meco offers more than just top-quality, highly reliable plating systems. It also provides advice and support on installation (turn-key), production start-up and quality control facilities, as well as required process chemistry, hardware and accessories. Meco has supplied over 600 plating systems worldwide to major players in the semiconductor, connector, film & foil and photovoltaic industry.

Meco has its headquarters in the Netherlands and via Besi operates sales & service centers in Europe, U.S.A., Korea, China, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan and the Philippines.


main product

Meco Cell Plating Line (CPL) and Direct Plating Line (DPL)


The Meco EPL, with more than 300 machines sold worldwide, has set a standard in the semiconductor world for lead frame plating applications. With the Cell Plating Line (CPL) and Direct Plating Line (DPL), Meco has taken the robust and proven concept of the EPL to the solar cell market. 

In the manufacturing of crystalline solar cells, the front metallization is conventionally done by screen printing of a conductive paste. A relatively thick layer of silver paste needs to be printed, which is a substantial part of the overall cell cost. The Meco CPL is a turn-key plating line that can plate a dense metal stack onto a conductive seed layer. With the Meco CPL efficiency improvements of 0.3-0.5 % (abs.) can be achieved.

For next-generation solar cells where the SiN layer has been opened by a laser or wet etching, the Meco DPL can directly metalize Ni-Ag, Ni-Cu-Ag or Ni-Cu-Sn onto the silicon emitter. Therefore, for front side metallization, a screen printing process and Ag paste have become redundant. Furthermore, with the Meco DPL efficiency improvements of 0.5-1.0 % (abs.) can be realized.



For more information, please send your e-mails to pved@infothe.com.

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