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aleo solar AG supplies 24,000 modules for 5.5 megawatt solar farm in Italy

aleo solar AG has supplied the solar modules for a 5.5 megawatt solar farm in Italy for one of the largest open-area projects in the company¡¯s history to date. Approximately 24,000 avim a_18 type modules have been installed in Corinaldo (in the province of Marches).

The modules are manufactured by avim solar production Co., Ltd. in Gaomi, China, a joint venture company of aleo solar AG. The open-area solar power plant with a proprietary installation system using screw anchors has been supplying the public grid of the electricity provider Enel since 4 November 2010.

The plant is expected to generate an annual yield of 7,200,000 kilowatt hours. This is equivalent to an annual consumption of more than 2,400 four-person households in Italy. This prevents 3,800 tons of harmful CO2 from being emitted each year. The Ancona Solare S.r.L. solar farm was built by one of Italy¡¯s leading solar energy companies: General Building S.p.A. of Polverigi has already installed photovoltaic power plants with a total output exceeding 25 megawatts. The German company IFE Eriksen AG has invested roughly ¢æ22 million in the power plant through a holding company which is half-owned by the Eriksen Group.   

¡°The modules produced in our joint venture are specifically tailored to meet the requirements of large-scale projects. In addition, the modules are specially produced for the Asian and North American markets. Up to now, we have exclusively been offering avim modules at special conditions for large-scale projects such as this,¡° emphasises Norbert Schlesiger, board member of (CSO) aleo solar AG.



For more information, please send your e-mails to pved@infothe.com.

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