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Global Solar Market: A Bright Future Ahead

ASYS SOLAR, which entered into the solar industry in 2002 specializes in the metallization of solar cells and supplies single, dual and triple lane production lines. The range of services includes automatic screen printers, optical breakage and automatic post-print inspection systems, dryers, buffer systems, handling systems, laser edge isolation, cooling stations, cell testers and cell sorters. To learn what a solar equipment provider has to say about the global solar industry, InterPV Editor Sarah Jeong talked with Karl Schanz, Technical Manager of ASYS SOLAR.

By Sarah Jeong (pved1@infothe.com)


 Please tell me a little about your company and products.

ASYS was founded in 1992 by Klaus Mang and Werner Kreibl. In 2002, we entered into the solar industry by founding Solar Business unit. We are an international company with activities in more than 40 different countries. We offer our customers full range of metallization lines for the front and backside contacts like screen printers, buffers, microcrack-, post print-, color and el-inspections, dryers flippers laser products, tester and sorter.


What is your market strategy in 2010?

First, we plan to strengthen our sales and after-sales support. Further reduction of CO2. Also, we¡®d like to increase cell efficiency as a major player in the global solar market. We are also prepared for new technologies like double print MWT, EWT and selective emitter. We always keep our ears on the market and will be always in the first row with machines for such kind of equipment.


What is your prediction for the solar industry in 2010 and 5 years from now?

It is difficult to predict because we have to see the solar industry globally. But one thing for sure is that the global PV market is running very well and the future is bright as well. I think there will be weak period during the boom times. But 2010 to 2015 would be very good years for the global PV industry because the U.S. solar market will wide open and the Asian market is running already very well. Additionally, other European countries will start new feed-in tariffs, so we can expect a further growth.


In your opinion, what is the most important thing for the global PV industry to be developed even further?

There are two things. First, to reach the grid parity as soon as possible, which means we have to lower the price for the watt peak. This can be done with new technologies like selective emitter, double prints, multiple junction cells and so on, and second is the feed-in tariffs of the government.


What are the general trends in the global solar industry at the moment?

All the solar manufacturers are working hard to increase cell efficiency. I think this is the only way to the grid parity.


Many countries including Germany are changing their incentive programs. In your opinion, what will be affected by the revision?

I think the reduction in feed-in tariff and the revision are necessary, and the right thing to do. In Spain, before the revision, too generous incentive programs offered too much, cost too much money resulting in a drastic cut in programs. The revision of feed-in tariff is absolutely the right thing, only the reduction rate will matter. I think the most affected area by the revision will be module prices. If module markets would be shunned by end users, the whole markets in between could be damaged as well.


Which country do you think will lead the global PV market in the near future?

China. The country has a lot of useful programs including strong incentives by the government. And there is infinite potential to use the solar energy since the nation has many government buildings in need of electricity. Also, China is taking advantage of low price in tapping the global PV market.


In your opinion, which segment of solar PV will dominate the market?

I think the rooftop segment is very attractive.


Any comments on the global solar industry?

In order to protect environment and solve the global warming issue, we should develop and use renewable energy.


Sarah Jeong is Editor of InterPV. Send your comments to pved1@infothe.com.



For more information, please send your e-mails to pved@infothe.com.

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