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5 Largest Module Suppliers in Q2¡¯10

Suntech reaches the top in Q2 in IMS Research¡¯s solar module rankings.


Crystalline PV module supplier Suntech shipped more modules during the second quarter of 2010 than any other company according to the latest analysis from IMS Research. The Chinese supplier shipped more modules in the quarter than previous market leader and thin-film rival First Solar for the first time since Q3¡¯18 to become the largest supplier to the global PV module market during the quarter.

Although First Solar, the U.S.-based producer of cadmium telluride PV modules, topped the production rankings in Q2¡¯10 (even higher than Suntech), not all of its modules were shipped in the quarter and its shipments bucked the industry trend and in fact declined over the previous quarter.



Sharp maintained its position as the third largest supplier in the quarter, which it has now held for the last four quarters. However, fourth and fifth placed Trina Solar and Yingli, grew their shipments significantly (by 16% and 14% respectively) over the previous quarter and continued to close the gap further between them and the Japanese electronics giant. High demand and full utilization of production capacities also enabled the two suppliers to increase their already healthy gross margins to 32.1% and 33.5%.

¡°The three largest Chinese suppliers performed very strongly in the second quarter,¡± commented PV Research Analyst, Sam Wilkinson. ¡°Suntech, Trina and Yingli¡¯s combined shipments increased by 14%, significantly more than Sharp and First Solar, the other suppliers in the top five.¡± ¡°IMS Research predicts that total module shipments will increase for the sixth consecutive quarter in Q3, driven by continuing high demand from all markets, including Germany and France, where completed installations are predicted to continue to surge despite recent cuts to the countries?incentive schemes,¡± Wilkinson continued.


Further Information: IMS Research (www.PVMarketResearch.com)



For more information, please send your e-mails to pved@infothe.com.

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