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centrotherm photovoltaics presents next generation of high-performance reactors and converters for s

Higher output and energy-savings enable lower production costs
More than 25 units of reactors and converters already sold

centrotherm photovoltaics AG is presenting the next generation of silicon production equipment with its new 24 Pair CVD (Chemical Vapor Deposition) reactor and associated high-pressure converter.

The 24 Pair technology is a proprietary development by centrotherm SiTec GmbH, a company in which centrotherm photovoltaics bundles its silicon expertise. This technology is distinguished by significantly higher annual output of more than 350 tonnes, and lower energy consumption of less than 60 kWh per kilogram. Maintenance costs and downtime risks are also reduced thanks to the high degree of production automation. This allows both specific investment costs and operating costs to be sustainably cut.

More than 25 units consisting of reactors and converters have already been sold from this new equipment generation. The first systems will be shipped in April of next year. Confidentiality was agreed about the investment sums concerned.

"With the 24 Pair technology, we are enabling our customers to achieve high-volume silicon production at constant quality accompanied by reduced manufacturing costs,¡° explains Dr. Albrecht Mozer, Managing Director of centrotherm SiTec. "We are convinced of our technologys performance, which is why we are also guaranteeing that our reactors offer a production capacity of 350 tonnes per year, and that our high-pressure converters offer a gas throughput rate of 18 tonnes per hour, and a conversion rate of more than 19 percent."

The CVD reactors form part of key silicon production equipment, and consequently rank as part of the core product offerings of the centrotherm photovoltaics Groups silicon specialist. Along with the CVD reactor, full silicon production also requires a high-performing converter, however. STC-TCS converters transform Silicon Tetrachloride (STC) into Trichlorosilane (TCS), thereby enabling the process gases to be fed back into the CVD reactor. This closed production cycle reduces manufacturing costs and environmental effects--and enables more efficient production. In order to optimally exploit the new high-performance reactors potential, centrotherm SiTec has also further developed the related high-pressure STC-TCS converter: With the currently highest gas throughput rate in the market, and the highest conversion rate, it is optimally coordinated to the capacity enhancement offered by the 24 Pair CVD reactor.



For more information, please send your e-mails to pved@infothe.com.

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