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Taitan Tracker: High Performance in Solar Trackers

The Spanish company Titan Tracker has just signed a license contract with DongFang Electric and DongFang Turbine in China. Titan Trackers patented technology is characterized, among other aspects, by scarce deformations of its 3D structure, independence of driving and structure, geometry with five support and location of the driving in the outer sides. Thanks to these features, Titan Tracker achieves high cost efficiency and optimal performance in both flat photovoltaics and high Concentrating Photovoltaics (CPV).

Installation with Titan Trackers


Technology & Feature

Titan Tracker is a Spanish technology firm, specialized in dual-axis solar trackers. The concept was born in 2006, as a spin-off of Cabanillas Ingenieros, S.L. engineering firm with more than 30 years of experience in mechanical engineering.
The firm was launched with a serious commitment of providing an entirely reliable solution to the market.
Its main asset is technology. Titan Tracker is a patented technology extremely clear and  simple. All the claims in terms of novelty, inventive step and industrial applicability have been awarded by the rigorous European Patent Office (EPO).
Its business model is based on the management of our Industrial Property Rights (IPR) such as  licensing agreements.
Titan Tracker is a valid solution to be applied in all solar markets requiring dual-axis trackers, not only for conventional PV, but also for concentrating (CPV).
    125-211 ATR: 211 m2 125 km/h
    125-120 ATR: 120 m2 125 km/h
    122-219 ATR PRECISION: 219 m2 122 km/h
125-120 ATR PRECISION: 120 m2 125 km/h



Performance & Reliability

Also, Titan Tracker exceeds the rest of the solar trackers?performance (based on mounted-pole systems) with relevant advantages in terms of reliability, energy yield, accuracy and cost effective. Titans reliability is based on independence between structure and driving, five supports structure, 3 D truss, mainly cold-formed profiles, minimal welding parts and no hydraulics and bending moments.


Energy Yield & Accuracy

Taitan Tracker shows 45% more energy than fixed systems--30 tilt oriented to the South--in 40¡£ North latitude (Spain).
Accuracy is a critical parameter for CPV since more accuracy implies more energy yield.


For more information, visit Taitan Tracker (www.titantracker.es)



For more information, please send your e-mails to pved@infothe.com.

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