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Top 10 PV Module Suppliers 2009

Who were the top ten largest suppliers of PV modules in 2009? IMS Research reveals the 2009 rankings list for PV module suppliers and explains how shipments of modules far exceeded completed installations.

Leading thin-film manufacturer, First Solar topped the rankings list for PV module suppliers in 2009, surpassing all of its crystalline rivals to ship more than a GW of modules and become the industry¡¯s largest supplier, according to the latest analysis from IMS Research.

Although, the top ten suppliers that feature in IMS Research¡¯s rankings did not change in 2009, the previous year¡¯s leader, Suntech, fell to second place, followed once again by Sharp in third. While no other suppliers demonstrated the same explosive growth as First Solar, Trina Solar climbed two places, increasing its annual shipments by nearly 90%. All three of the Japanese suppliers in the top ten (Sharp, Kyocera and Sanyo) lost places compared to 2008 and for the first time, modules sold by U.S.-based suppliers exceeded those from Japanese suppliers.

¡°2009 was an incredible year for PV module suppliers, with the top ten companies¡¯ shipments growing by 75%. This is an amazing result given how poor the outlook had looked just over one year ago,¡± commented Sam Wilkinson, Research Analyst with IMS Research¡¯s PV group. ¡°Although many others did not share in this success, this measure alone is an indicator that the PV module market grew far more than had been expected in 2009, with shipments far exceeding installations.¡±

Although 7.5 GW of installations were completed and connected in 2009, IMS Research estimates that shipments of PV modules were far higher. Shipments exceeded installations due to the record amount of modules shipped in the final quarter of the year to serve installations completed in the first quarter of 2010 in booming European markets such as Germany, Italy, France and Czech Republic.

Further Information: IMS Research (http://www.imsresearch.com/)




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     Global PV Market Exceeded 7 GW in 2009

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