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LDK Solar commences commercial production in second 5,000 MT train in its polysilicon plant

LDK Solar Co., Ltd. ("LDK Solar") (NYSE: LDK), a leading manufacturer of multicrystalline solar wafers and PV products, today announced that its second 5,000 MT polysilicon train has completed the commissioning process and commenced commercial production.

This second train, located at the 15,000 MT Mahong Polysilicon Plant in Xinyu City, China, is expected to reach its designed annualized capacity within three to six months. This achievement should assist LDK Solars polysilicon facilities to achieve the expected production costs and annual capacity targets.

"We are very pleased to commence commercial production in the second train of our Mahong plant," stated Xiaofeng Peng, Chairman and CEO of LDK Solar. "Lessons we learned and experience gained from the first train has been applied and allowed us to increase our speed of execution in commissioning and starting up commercial production of the second train. Quality of the polysilicon produced to date confirms the state-of-the-art technology implemented at our Mahong polysilicon facility. This achievement enables us to continue our progress in improving economies of scale, and is a clear demonstration of the hard work and commitment of our operations team. We look forward to continued success in increasing our polysilicon production to meet the growing needs of the solar industry worldwide."



For more information, please send your e-mails to pved@infothe.com.

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