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¡°Instant Solar¡± rebate program to provide California solar customers with instant relief

Acro Energy¡¯s ¡°Instant Solar¡± Promotion Delivers Immediate Savings and Fast Installation to California Solar Power Customers

California homeowners can get some instant relief during some of the hottest months of the year when they sign up for a new solar system from Acro Energy Technologies Corp. (TSX Venture: ART). 

Acro Energy, a leading U.S. solar integrator, has introduced its ¡°Instant Solar¡± rebate program, which pays up to US$1,000 of a customer¡¯s electricity bills between the time that homeowner signs a residential solar contract with Acro Energy and the completion of the solar system installation. The typical timeframe for installation of Acro Energy¡¯s residential solar power systems is four to eight weeks, once necessary paperwork with government agencies is taken into account. Acro Energy customers who participate in the promotion are guaranteed to receive a minimum rebate of the value of one of the customer¡¯s pre-solar monthly electricity bills. 

Acro Energy¡¯s Instant Solar promotion, which  expires  on  Sept. 15, 2010, applies only to California customers who install Direct Current (DC) systems of four kilowatts or greater.

¡°With other solar installers, it can take up to six months or more between signing a solar power contract and having the solar panels installed. During that time, customers still have to pay their current electricity bills. We want customers to know that purchasing a solar system from Acro Energy delivers both instant savings and fast, professional installation.¡± explained James Tong, Acro Energy¡¯s marketing director.

For more information about Acro Energy or the Instant Solar promotion, please visit www.acroenergy.com or contact Terri Loftus at tloftus@acroenergy.com or 866.711.ACRO (2276).



For more information, please send your e-mails to pved@infothe.com.

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