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Promising PV Players at EXPO Solar 2010

PV players all over the world are paying attention to EXPO Solar 2010, a global hub for the solar PV industry, held from February 3-5, 2010 in Korea. On this special occasion, InterPV had an opportunity to know better about new PV technologies and get insightful views on the solar market prospect.



Atlas Material Testing Technology: Reliable Weathering Test


Atlas Material Testing Technology, one of the global leaders in materials durability and weathering testing technology, has gained industry-leading knowledge in weathering testing which protects customers from potential product liability.


Who is Atlas?

Atlas Material Testing Technology is one of the global leaders in materials durability and weathering (solar radiation) testing technology. With nearly 100 years of experience, Atlas has gained industry-leading knowledge in what the industry refers as ¡°weathering¡± testing. Weathering is product/material durability testing against harmful solar radiation (including UV) and other environmental factors such as humidity, temperature, corrosive elements, etc. Manufacturers need to know the life span of their products so that they can implement proper warranty coverage, and protect themselves from potential product liability. Similarly, consumers want to know the durability and reliability of the products they buy. For the solar industry, PV modules are often guaranteed to work for 25-30 years. In other words, the manufacturers must assume the liability of their PV products during that long time. Atlas¡¯s Accelerated Solar Simulation Weathering technologies, and real-time outdoor exposure services at its Worldwide Exposure Network laboratories have assisted tens of thousands of leading global companies to answer the very question of ¡°till my product last outdoors as promised?¡±


Products on Display at Expo Solar 2010

For the solar industry, Atlas offers a variety accelerated testing equipments using industry-leading solar radiation technology such as Xenon and Metal Halide sources. For the R&D stage PV small cells to the production size large solar modules, Atlas has over dozen different standard testing instruments, as well as unlimited number of custom chambers. Atlas Testing Service offers real time outdoor solar testing in many of its outdoor laboratories including its main Solar Testing Centers in Phoenix Arizona, Miami Florida, and Chennai India. In addition, Atlas recently developed new PV durability testing methodology called ¡°Atlas 25+¡± specifically to answer the important service life and reliability questions for solar industry.


Thoughts on EXPO Solar 2010

EXPO Solar PV Korea is the leading PV expo for the Korean solar industry. Atlas believes it is vital for the organizations to have the exposure at this premier solar venue. Atlas is excited to be a durability solutions provider for the Korean PV market.


Technical Prospect

Durability and reliability of PV modules are the most critical aspects for the success of PV industry because of the long-term liability that manufacturers have to assume. If a solar installation fails prematurely, it is detrimental to the manufacturer. Financiers¡¯ number one question in funding any PV installation is the long-term durability of the PV modules. However, many manufacturers do not adequately have answers now. Also, the durability concern will become more and more important because many modules and different PV technologies use ¡°polymeric¡± materials. Polymeric materials degrade under the sun more rapidly than any inorganic material. One must understand the whole systems¡¯ durability not just the cells¡¯


Priority for 2010

Atlas is focusing heavily on the Solar industry. Atlas hosted and organized a tremendously successful PV Durability Symposium in Dec 2009 in Phoenix Arizona, the U.S.A., and durability related papers were presented by NREL U.S.A., Fraunhofer Institute of Solar Energy Germany, GE Global Research U.S.A., Miasole U.S.A., 3M U.S.A, TUV Rheinland Germany, UL laboratories U.S.A., etc. Atlas is planning similar symposium in Korea later this year. Atlas¡¯s priority this year is to be recognized as the global leader in the solar durability testing.


2010 Outlook

Atlas MTT serves globally, and the momentum in the solar sectors from the U.S., Europe and specially Asia has been tremendous. Atlas booked record number of orders in 2009, and expect the trend to continue in 2010. As government programs diminish, and the solar module manufacturers depend more on private sector financing, their product will be in much scrutiny in terms of long-term durability. Atlas has begun to see the significantly different approaches on quality and durability between the global top end manufacturers and local manufacturers. The top players have already developed necessary in-house durability testing programs and use them in their marketing efforts, while others have little understanding of this critical aspects of their long-term effects. Sustainable success of a solar company will be clearly based on their understanding of the long-terms durability.


Further Information: Atlas Material Testing Technology LLC (http://www.atlas-mts.com/)




Dynamic Engineering: Process Solutions for Polysilicon Manufacturing


Dynamic Engineering, an engineering design firm with nearly 30 years of experience, is providing PV industry with the solutions required by the leading polysilicon manufacturers.


Who is Dynamic Engineering?

Dynamic Engineering is an engineering design firm with nearly 30 years of experience which includes expertise in research and development in the high purity chemical arena. Dynamic Engineering Inc. (DEI) spearheaded development efforts that led to improved process technology for electronic and solar grade polysilicon. DEI continues to evolve as a leading supplier of process technology to existing and new manufacturers of polysilicon for the Photovoltaic (PV) industry. Recent trends have increased interest in producing silane from TCS in order to enable an alternative deposition process which addresses the industry¡¯s growing desire for reducing energy costs associated with polysilicon production. Additionally, revamp projects have increased for expanding capacity, increasing purity and reducing production costs at existing polysilicon facilities. DEI is providing the industry with the solutions required by the leading polysilicon manufacturers.


Thoughts on EXPO Solar 2010

DEI believes EXPO Solar 2010 will provide an opportunity to educate polysilicon producers on changes in technology which will benefit their production strategies. Through DEI¡¯s research and development and extensive field experience, DEI has found process solutions for byproduct STC and DCS which increase production and reduce waste. DEI believes the conference attendees will leave better-educated in alternate avenues for addressing waste issues in their existing or planned production facilities.


Korean Solar PV Market

Dynamic Engineering has found companies in the Korean market are very active in integrating and moving up the solar supply chain. Dynamic Engineering expects EXPO Solar 2010 to be a step in building on current and establishing new relationships with Korean clients.



¡Ü Fully integrated polysilicon plants (mgSi to poly) via TCS or silane,

¡Ü Design and build fluidized, bed reactors,

¡Ü Build and design redistribution reactors,

¡Ü Expertise in process technology and process optimization, and

¡Ü Expert resources for building fine chemical plants particularly polysilicon plant engineering, construction, start-up and operations.


Further Information: Dynamic Engineering Inc. (http://www.dynamicengineer.com/)



Nordson EFD: Dispensing System for PV Manufacturing Process


EFD, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nordson Corporation, offers a variety of dispensing systems for applying controlled amounts of solder paste, flux, coatings, silicons and other fluids used in photovoltaic manufacturing processes.


Who is EFD?

EFD, Inc. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nordson Corporation. Since 1963, EFD has designed and manufactured precision dispensing devices for applying controlled amounts of the adhesives, sealants, lubricants and other assembly fluids used in almost every manufacturing process. EFD products are available through their worldwide network operating in over 30 countries.

EFD offers a variety of dispensing systems for applying controlled amounts of solder paste, flux, coatings, silicons and other fluids used in photovoltaic manufacturing processes.


Products on Display at EXPO Solar 2010

EFD offers a variety of dispensing systems and solder pastes, and for this specific show, EFD is going to display the following product lines:

¡Ü Flux

¡Ü Award-winning solder paste

¡Ü Dispensing auger valve

¡Ü Table top dispenser

¡Ü XYZ systems


Technical Benefits

The addition of EFD solder paste can improve the solder joint in several ways. The additional alloy material and flux can reduce void formation and improve the strength of the joint. EFD testing shows that fewer silicon microcracks are generated during post-soldering cooling. Because of the reduction in microcracks, the use of solder paste may provide advantages for manufacturers as they attempt to reduce cell thickness.

This methodology could benefit the customers by improving their yields, increase the productivities, and produce better quality products.


Priority for 2010

Introduce the award winning Nordson EFD solder paste to this industry, bringing the new technology to the customers and help them solve the problems in their manufacturing process.


2010 Outlook

EFD is working with lots of key players worldwide in this industry, and in Korea, EFD is just about to start. This is a growing market so EFD is expecting people to know Nordson EFD and understand how EFD would help to grow their business in this market.


Further Information: Nordson EFD (http://www.nordsonefd.com/)



Tigo Energy: Innovative Monitoring System


Tigo Energy, based in California¡¯s Silicon Valley, contributes to the affordability of solar deployment by improving the energy output of today¡¯s systems, lowering the cost of

operating and maintaining solar projects, and improving their safety and reliability.


Who is Tigo Energy?

Tigo Energy is a two-year-old company based in California¡¯s Silicon Valley. Tigo is dedicated to more rapid worldwide adoption of photovoltaic solar energy generation. Tigo Energy¡¯s technology contributes to the affordability of solar deployment by improving the energy output of today¡¯s systems, lowering the cost of operating and maintaining solar projects, and improving their safety and reliability. The company was founded by technology veterans experienced in the areas of silicon component design, system architecture, power electronics, software and communications.

Tigo Energy, with the help of leading venture investors and expert advisors, is growing rapidly. In 2009, Tigo attained compliance certification and are selling the first two product generations through distributors across Europe, the United States, and Asia.


Products on Display at EXPO Solar 2010

During EXPO Solar 2010, Tigo will introduce the Tigo Energy Maximizer solution to the photovoltaic leaders in North Asia. The product is a combination of hardware and software which delivers more power output, advanced PV system management, and enhance safety to solar project owners and operators.

The Module Maximizer hardware design is simple and contains analog sensing, power output control, and communications.

If the Tigo Energy Module Maximizer is the ¡°heart¡± of the system, the Tigo EnergyTM Maximizer Management Unit (MMU) is the ¡°brains¡± The MMU communicates to each Module Maximizer by either Power Line (PLC) or wireless protocols.

The final component that will be showcased is the Tigo EnergyTM MaxiManager application suite. This set of Web-based tools takes monitoring to the next level.


Thoughts on EXPO Solar 2010

EXPO Solar 2010 is the first opportunity Tigo Energy has to introduce the product concept to the Korean and greater North Asian marketplace. Tigo is extremely enthusiastic about the momentum behind renewable energy in Korea, both from a manufacturing and consumption aspect. In past ventures the management team has worked closely with the leading companies in Korea to produce some of the most advanced products in personal computing, mobile phone and consumer electronics. Tigo has experienced first-hand the progressive government support behind the rapid and widespread adoption of computing technologies, broadband, and cellular communications. Tigo is confident that photovoltaic solar represents the next frontier for adoption in Korea and for manufacturing leadership.


Technical Prospect

As mentioned earlier, once a PV module contains intelligent electronics (rather than just the diodes that are present today), there is vast potential for continual enhancement of the module and system performance.

Tigo is very encouraged that many of the most well-known brands in solar are working with us to achieve the cost and performance benefits of module integration. Fully integrated module products containing the Tigo Energy electronics are on the near-term horizon for mass availability.


Priority for 2010

In addition to being the ¡°year of the Tiger¡± Tigo believes 2010 will be the ¡°year of the Tigo¡± Tigo has a large amount of work to do to expand the distribution network across Europe and Asia to continue adoption of the Tigo Energy solution. Tigo has put the initial manufacturing expansion plans in place and will continue to look for production support to align with major areas of product consumption. On the R&D front, the teams are continuously busy working to deliver the product roadmap, and pursuing cost reduction and integration initiatives.


2010 Outlook

Tigo¡¯s goal is that through the adoption of the Tigo Energy solution and other new innovation, the PV market and the related environmental benefits from adoption thrive without requiring financial stimulus. However, as Tigo makes progress, the initiative of governmental authorities to include support for PV within energy policy continues to fuel growth. While the industry outlook was bleak in early 2009, other regions stepped forward and continue to consume increased module output. We see industry momentum continuing through 2010, with North Asia playing a substantial role in both product supply and demand.


Further Information: Tigo Energy (http://www.tigoenergy.com/)



Trina Solar: Quality Control for the Best Value


Trina Solar, one of the world¡¯s leading solar PV companies, continues to improve the quality and performance of modules, having invested heavily in quality control and testing facilities to offer its customers the best value in the industry.


Who is Trina Solar?

Trina Solar is currently one of the world¡¯s leading solar PV companies. Founded in 1997, Trina Solar is one of the few solar panel manufacturers to have developed an integrated value chain, from the production of ingots, wafer and cells, to the assembly of modules. At the beginning of 2010, the company had a production capacity of 600 MW, ranking it among the world¡¯s top ten largest module producers. Trina has been able to maintain such rapid growth while continuing to improve the quality and performance of modules, having invested heavily in quality control and testing facilities. As a result, Trina Solar today offers its customers the best value in the industry.

Products on Display at EXPO Solar 2010

Trina Solar manufactures crystalline panels, utilizing both mono- and multi-crystalline technologies. Trina¡¯s encapsulated cell efficiency for mono-crystalline reaches 17.3% and 16.4% for multi-crystalline cells.


Thoughts on EXPO Solar 2010

EXPO Solar 2010 is this year¡¯s largest Solar Exhibition in Korea. Trina is very happy to attend this exhibition, as Korea is one of Asia Pacific¡¯s largest and most promising PV markets. So far, the experience in the Korean market has been successful, and Trina has developed some strong partnerships with local installers. And so Trina ia coming to this exhibition to nurture those partnerships and to develop new ones for 2010.


Technical Prospect

Overall, 2009 was a good year for the solar industry. All companies, Trina Solar included, suffered early in the year and had to make extra efforts to win contracts and maintain healthy margins. This year¡¯s major trends, however, signaled a fundamental shift for the industry. The average selling price of PV panels dropped dramatically over the course of the year, and as a consequence, Trina is finding itself much closer to grid parity than anyone could have anticipated a year ago. Now, solar is not only more affordable, but Trina will soon be able to compete with traditional technologies without the help of subsidies. Today, silicon-based panels dominate the market and most likely will continue to do so for a long time, so long as silicon remains inexpensive.


Priority for 2010

Trina¡¯s top priority for the year is to continue to grow the market share in more mature solar markets while moving into promising emerging markets. As an ever greater number of governments and entrepreneurs begin to ride the solar wave, it is the responsibility as a leading company to enter new markets early to help develop the industry from the ground up. Alongside these global goals, Trina will continue to do what Trina has done successfully in 2009: to continue lowering the global cost of solar until grid parity.


2010 Outlook

Trina Solar has a very strong market presence in Europe, the sales in that region representing over 80% of shipments. Within Europe, Germany was the largest market, accounting for almost a third of the global sales. Trina is also happy to maintain large market shares in Italy and Spain, both of which Trina has been present for quite some time.


Further Information: Trina Solar (http://www.trinasolar.com/)



Barcode Energy LLC: Unique Ability in Energy Saving


Barcode Energy LLC is hoping to obtain maximum advantage of EXPO Solar 2010, knowing its competitors and making some connection.


Who is Barcode Energy LLC?

Barcode Energy LLC is a newly established renewable energy company with well market knowledge (Middle East). It is one windows shop for its clients when it comes to renewable energy products and services. Its products will be mostly in providing PV solar for home user, small and medium enterprise and also government. Barcode Energy LLC has been consulting and distributing PV solar solutions to large corporations and has, thus, acquired extensive expertise in solar energy efficient products. This unique ability in energy saving and its successful track record make the company a valuable partner in the user-friendly products that are now available to large, medium, and small companies as well as the home owner.


Thoughts on EXPO Solar 2010

Barcode Energy LLC is planning to take maximum advantage of EXPO Solar 2010, as one of the most important platforms for PV solar industry where everyone can have clear idea and easy access to key players in this section. In addition, Barcode Energy wants to know its competitors and make some connection.


Technical Prospect

PV solar is the future for everyone and it¡¯s just up to time and each country needs to adopt and use PV solar and renewable energy products to its people and encourage them. This must be government driven. The future of old energy trend is over and saving our children is the company¡¯s priority with pushing and making PV solar available to all.


Priority for 2010

Barcode Energy LLC is planning to enter Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan markets where the need for PV solar is so much and access to other source of energy is less.


2010 Outlook

In Middle East, a lot of things happened in 2009 including moving Irina head office to UAE, also local governments are pushing and encouraging this renewable and clean energy all the way and the company is sure it will have more projects to be announced and this will start within the region of the PV solar sector.


Further Information: Barcode Energy LLC (http://www.barcodeenergy.com/)



KLA-Tencor: Bringing Innovation to Increase Yield


KLA-Tencor is planning to expand its market, sharing its new inspection module technology at EXPO Solar 2010 through its live tool demonstrations.


Who is KLA-Tencor?

KLA-Tencor offers surface profilers and solar wafer and cell inspection modules which are integrated in different stages of the solar wafer and cell production lines. The ICOS inspection modules are designed for optical in-line inspection of both the front and backside of monocrystalline and polycrystalline solar wafers and cells, as well as the fast and reliable optical classification of solar cells at the final stage of the production flow. The P-6 surface profiler provides analysis of surface topography in an economical benchtop design for samples up to 150 mm.


Products on Display at EXPO Solar 2010

KLA-Tencor¡¯s ICOS PVI-6 is designed for optical in-line dual-sided inspection of Photovoltaic (PV) wafers and cells. The PVI-6 consists of a family of inspection modules designed for the inspection of solar cells throughout the production process, from bare wafer, to silicon nitride (SiN) coating, metallization and final classification. Additionally, the PVI-6 software includes improved ease-of-use and analytical tools to increase the overall yield of the solar cell production process.

KLA-Tencor¡¯s P-6 offers a unique set of advanced features for scientific research and production environments, such as photovoltaic solar cell manufacturing. The P-6 system has the resolution, scan quality and automation needed to improve solar cell efficiencies in the development stage, as well as monitor process quality in production.


Thoughts on EXPO Solar 2010

The company hopes to share its solutions to an even wider audience at EXPO Solar 2010 through the live tool demonstrations within the booth.


Technical Prospect

Revenue from a given solar cell production line can be improved using the new inspection module, the ICOS PVI-6, by eliminating ¡°everkill¡± errors in cell classification at the end of the line. ¡°Errors in classification of cells have an immediate impact on the price for which a cell can be sold,¡± said Pieter Vandewalle, Director of Marketing. ¡°We have done studies showing that up to 2%¦¡and even more¦¡of cells have been misclassified (to a lower class)... cells that should have been classified in the top-rated class.¡± The company¡¯s studies found that overkill can be reduced by more accurate inspection with attendant savings of up to US$1M/year in additional revenue per production line.


Priority for 2010

Continual product innovation to bring production costs down for customers while enhancing their yield is the company¡¯s priority for 2010.


2010 Outlook

With systems in most of the top 15 solar cell manufacturers, including Korea, and leading worldwide market share, KLA-Tencor is confident going into 2010, and looks forward to bringing new products and technologies to the market.


Further Information: KLA-Tencor (http://www.kla-tencor.com/)



Wakom Semiconductor Corp.: Full Solution to the Texturing and Other Wet Processes


Wakom Semiconductor Corp. is expecting to market its product to Korean solar cell manufactures, introducing mass production equipments with a better performance/cost ratio.


Who is Wakom Semiconductor?

Wakom Semiconductor Corp. is located in Hukou Industrial Park, Taiwan. With a focus on silicon wafer solar cell process solutions, it provides mass production equipment to the solar cell industries, including wet benches for texture and other wet processes, and in the near future the product line will include PE-CVD for passivation and other vacuum equipment.

In order to provide its customers with reliable and high-performance equipments, Wakom Semiconductor Corp. invested chemical laboratories and facilities for process R&D and equipment testing. With continuous improvement and innovation, it is your first choice for wafer-based solar cell production.


Products on Display at EXPO Solar 2010

Wakom Semiconductor provides batch or in-line wet bench equipment for pre-cleaning, PSG removal, alkaline texturing or acidic texturing with process solution support. Wafer carriers for batch-type wet processes or automation purpose are also displayed.


Thoughts on EXPO Solar 2010

To introduce mass production equipments with a better performance/cost ratio to the Korean solar cell manufacturers, it expects to market its products to Korean solar cell manufactures and help them to improve productivity and lower their investment cost.


Technical Prospect

For wet bench equipments, it provides alkaline and acidic texture processes to reduce surface reflectivity and to improve solar cell conversion efficiency. The company provides full solution to the texturing and other wet processes with process supports at a lower price without compromising the quality standards.

In the near future, the company will introduce PE-CVD for passivation, and turnkey solution to the Korean customers, including advanced process such as selective emitter and others.


Priority for 2010

Serving its potential customers in Korea with better wet process solutions, both in price and performance improvement, mainly the alkaline texture process and the acidic texture process is the company¡¯s priority for 2010.


2010 Outlook

The pace in the second half of 2009 was slow worldwide, yet the company saw recovery signs in Q4 2009 in China and Taiwan. It expects the market to grow rapidly in 2010 in Asia.


Further Information: Wakom Semiconductor Corp. (http://www.wakom-semi.com/)



Suzhou Shenglong PV-Tech Co., Ltd.: Everything under One Roof


Suzhou Shenglong PV-Tech Co., Ltd. is aiming to get more orders from clients and enhance the

Company¡¯s brand reputation by attending EXPO Solar 2010.


Who is Suzhou Shenglong?

Established in May 2006, Suzhou Shenglong is one of the fewer Chinese manufactures who have been certified as ¡°new & renewable energy facility¡± by Korea Institute Energy Research. Covering an area of 59,800 square meters, with an initial investment of approximately US$20 million. Its main products are monocrystalline modules that generate electricity from sunlight for residential, commercial and remote power applications. Its facility has a production capacity of approximately 200 MW per year.


Products on Display at EXPO Solar 2010


Outline Dimension

¡Ü Wafer Diameter: 150 ¡¾ 0.5 mm

¡Ü Thickness: 210 ¡¾ 20 ¥ìm

¡Ü Dimensions Tolerance: 125 ¡¾ 0.5 mm

¡Ü TTV: ¡Â0.03 mm

Technical parameter

¡Ü Conductance Type: P

¡Ü Receptivity: 0.5-3¥Ø cm

¡Ü Minority Carrier Life Time: ¡Ã10 ¥ì s

¡Ü Oxygen: ¡Â1.0 ¡¿1018 atoms/cm3

¡Ü Carbon: ¡Â20 ¡¿ 1016 atoms/cm3

¡Ü Pulled Ingot Orientation: <100> ¡¾ 1?

Solar cell

With strict quality control from ingots to wafers, the company gets high-efficiency solar cells. The average efficiency of 125 series solar cells is 17.5%. Most of its solar cells are provided to its solar modules production.


Solar module

¡Ü Designed according to and complying with all requirements in IEC 61730 and IEC 61215 ed2 (Certified by TV Rheinland ).

¡Ü White-tempered glass, EVA, weather-proof substrate film and anodized aluminium frame provide adequate protection against various environmental conditions.

¡Ü The junction box and connectors with IP65 protection degree provide convenient and reliable electric connection the incorporated schottky bypass diodes protect the module from hot spot damages.

¡Ü Cells are 100% visually inspected and sorted according to electric characteristics against mismatching.

¡Ü Visual inspection, performance measurement and dielectric strength tests on every product.

¡Ü All backed by a 25 year limited power warranty (¡¾80%) and 5 year workmanship warranty

¡Ü Customization upon request


Thoughts on EXPO Solar 2010

Suzhou Shenglong PV-Tech has two main winning advantages to attending EXPO Solar 2010. First, Shenglong set out from the very beginning to become an integrated PV manufacturer, producing everything under one roof: from silicon melting to finished modules. Second, its main products are crystalline silicon PV modules which bear KIER (Korea Institute of Energy Research) IEC, TV, and CE marks. It is aiming to get more orders from clients and enhance the company¡¯s brand reputation by attending EXPO the Solar 2010.


Technical Prospect

Shenglong tends to import advanced production technologies, equipments and high-level professional specialists and is committed itself to gaining a secure foothold in the international market by offering the products with high qualities, favorable prices and prompt delivery terms to the buyers in the world.


Priority for 2010

Shenglong has already outlined the plan for a stock-market listing in 2010.


2010 Outlook

Shenglong will constantly expand the ranks of its employees, seek more complete industrial chain development and strengthen its professional marketing team to approach more potential clients and broaden international horizons. Based on this, Shenglong aims to expand its capacity considerably and to become one of the most important players in the market in 2010.


Further Information: Suzhou Shenglong PV-Tech Co.,Ltd (http://www.shenglong-solar.com/)



Tianjin Taiyue Glass Co., Ltd.: Anti-reflective Coating-tempered Glass Solution


Tianjin Taiyue Glass Co., Ltd. is hoping to promote its anti-reflective coating-tempered glass, to be widely used by the industry.


Who is Tianjin Taiyue Glass?

Tianjin Taiyue Glass is a Sino-Hong Kong joint venture company established in 2004. Taiyue Glass is the pioneer of solar glass in the China photovoltaic industry. Located in Tianjin Xiao Dian Industrial Zone, it has 3 solar glass tempering lines capable of producing 3 million sq.m. of low iron PV glass per year.

In May 2009, Taiyue (Suzhou) Solar Glass was established. It will have an initial annual capacity of 3 million sq.m of low iron-tempered solar glass production. Located in Suzhou Changshu, the total area of the site is 28,000 sq.m. First phase of development will include factory hall and warehouse of total 8,000 sq.m. It will have an initial annual capacity of 3 million sq.m of low iron-tempered solar glass production. Strengthening of its production facility, Taiyue Glass will provide better and faster service to customers in the East China region.


Products on Display at EXPO Solar 2010

Taiyue¡¯s Products¡¯ Cover glass for crystalline photovoltaic modules

¡Ü Low Iron Super White Patterned tempered Glass¦¡P/M Textured

¡Ü Low Iron Super White Patterned Tempered Glass¦¡M/M Textured

¡Ü AR coating on Super White Patterned Tempered Glass


Thoughts on EXPO Solar 2010

The company is hoping to spread its winning glass solutions at Expo Solar 2010. Its winning advantage is the anti-reflective coating-tempered glass. With a standard solar cell of 170 W, the power output is increased by 4 W or 2.5%.


Technical Prospect

Solar power will play an important role in future energy supply. Anti-reflective coating on solar glass, which offers the best performance in terms of light transmission, would be the trends. Since 2007 Taiyue Glass has been working together with the Institute of Chemistry of China National Academy of Science to develop the new anti-reflective coating for solar glass. Taiyue is confident to enhance the stability of the film thickness by adopting advanced coating process and film thickness detector. Taiyue¡¯s coating is chemical bonded with glass surface and, thus, has determined the great hardness and abrasion.


Priority for 2010

Priority in 2010 would be proudly promoting anti-reflective coating-tempered glass, to be widely used by the industry.


2010 Outlook

Solar market will enjoy a rapid growth path in 2010. China market will have an increase of at least 60% in 2010 due to new government policy (Golden Sun subsidies) to support green energy development.


Further Information: Taiyue Glass Co. Ltd (http://www.tjtaiyue.com/)



T & Solar: Showing the Essence of 3Bus Bar Solar Module


T & Solar mass-produced 3Bus bar solar modules for the first time in Korea.


Achievement and Technology

T & Solar had received love calls related to contracts from solar generation companies even before the products started to be shipped in that after having entered into solar industry in the shortest time as a module manufacturer, it mass-produced 3Bus bar solar modules for the first time in Korea. Accordingly, it shipped products even in less than a year and the quality of the products were recognized which resulted in the increase of the awareness of the enterprise.

T & Solar attaches great importance to the localization of all its mass-production facilities in addition to the construction of mass-production line of 3Bus bar solar modules for the first time in Korea. 3Bus bar has an effect of about 3% to 5% of power efficiency compared to existing 2Bus bar and produces solar modules with the best efficiency with its thoroughly verified excellent materials and know-how of manufacturing technologies. Moreover, it was described that it could secure price competitiveness differentiated from other companies by localizing the facilities.

¡°it was possible thanks to our thorough preparation for materials, production technologies, and manufacture technologies, and based on this, sale of the products was possible at the early stage of shipping,¡± Yong-kyun Kim, CEO of T & Solar, explained the background, ¡°in other words, T & Solar has module products¡¯ performance and efficiency better than those produced by imported equipment, and such price competitiveness and differentiated manufacture technologies were recognized by companies so that we could complete contracts for all quantity of the products.¡±


Marketing Plan

T & Solar plans to concentrate on marketing participation in the timely EXPO Solar 2010 and maximizing the merits of the 3Bus bar modules it started mass-production and sale for the first time. Broadly, in 2010, it plans to diversify the types of modules in order to respond to the various requests from customers such as single use model for home or large-scaled generation for business. In addition, at the same time, since it is working on TV certification for overseas expansion, it is going to launch overseas sale as early as at the latter part of the first half. As basically, the modules currently with which certification is in progress or in development are manufactured applying Korean cells, it plans to secure technical manpower and expand research institute facilities. Meanwhile, T & Solar currently focuses on production and sale of modules however, in the future, expects to construct related manpower and infrastructure related so that it can provide with batch service.


Further Information: T&Solar (http://www.tsolar.co.kr/)



PARU: Diversifying Business to Solar Tracking LED Streetlight


PARU has been developing and localizing solar tracker choosing the optical sensor tracking method first in Korea.

PARU succeeded in developing and localizing solar tracker choosing the optical sensor tracking method first in Korea and the high performance and quality of its products are recognized with its constant R&D. PARU is an enterprise specialized in renewable energy that has been growing steadily taking opportunity of its entry into the field of renewable energy.  



PARU has achieved construction results more than 35 MW until now and as it is evaluated highly or recognized more with continuous management, orders of and inquiries about its products keep increasing.

PARU¡¯s solar tracker has acquired an NEP certification for new products from the Ministry of Knowledge Economy, a performance certification from authorization agency (the Medium and Small Business Administration), a certification for good products from the Office of Supply, a CE Certification, a Patent and ISO14001, and completed various technical evaluations.

PARU produces and supplies mainly solar tracker (double axis and single axis) with key functions of generation equipment in the field of solar. With PARU¡¯s solar tracker, you can expect the best efficiency of generation since it keeps the optimal incidence angle tracking, the position of real-time sun from any climate conditions or locations, choosing the optical sensor tracking method.  

PARU investigates thoroughly the target of business in the construction of a solar power plant and provides a systematic total solution with which in customers can get the maximum generation efficiency from design to construction.


Thoughts on EXPO Solar 2010

The part to which PARU attaches the most importance in is participation in EXPO Solar,  is to display goods so that consumers can understand the functions and uses of its products as quickly as possible. PARU has held to real goods in each exhibition since visitors can check and make decisions on real trackers without need of visit to a power plant to see the products.

PARU provides consumers with large-scale trackers over 6 kW, which has a merit to reduce initial investment drastically compared to smaller ones. In addition, as a participant in 1 Million Housing Supply Project, it promotes its competitive products to consumers and plans to introduce solar tracking LED streetlight, a new product that can increase efficiency compared to general fixed solar streetlight.


2010 Outlook

Entering upon 2010, PARU diversifies its business, developing high precision condensing trackers that can be used for condensing modules and increasing its competitiveness in products. In 2009, it concluded an MOU on solar trackers with Chinese Electricity Corporation and is now supplying products to Europe, Japan, Taiwan and Australia, etc. Also, it concentrates on the pioneering of overseas market participating exhibitions related to solar in Germany, Japan, Taiwan, China, the U.S. and the Middle East.


Further Information: PARU (http://www.paru.cp.kr/)




SKC: Materials for Solar Cell Films SKC is the only enterprise producing all materials for films for solar cells in the world.


SKC produces polyester films as its main products already started providing overseas influential back sheet enterprises with polyester films from the early 2000s when solar business didn¡¯t draw attention yet. Currently, the SKC is supplying as many as 40% of the amount of polyester films used by back sheet enterprises in the whole world. In addition, as succeeding in developing fluorine films the U.S. Dupont had monopolized and EVA sheets Japanese enterprises had been the sole master of the field in 2008, it became the first company producing all three kinds of films for solar cells including the polyester films for back sheet. Recently entering into back sheet business as a joint venture with Keiwa, it secured a place as an expert film maker for solar cells. The SKC, based on its 30-year experience and know-how in film processing industry, hinted its ambition to become the world¡¯s top film material enterprise specialized in the films for solar cells including PET film for solar cell back sheet, EVA sheet and fluorine film, etc.


Marketing Strategies

The SKC announced that it would promote itself, focusing on the fact that it is the only enterprise that can produce all materials for films for solar cells in the world at this EXPO SOLAR. Taking this opportunity, it planned to let the visitors to the Exhibition know its technology that can produce all materials for films for solar cells being top in quality as much as it could. The SKC is putting spurs to the development of new products, i.e., products with epochal improvement of the quality of existing ones such as PET films for low oligomer back sheets and EVA sheets with new properties that would lead the trend of the market. Moreover, it is seriously reviewing an extension of facilities at home and abroad i.e., operations of local key point production stations in its main overseas market such as the U.S. Specifically, it has a strategy to secure more than 15% market share in the entire world within 5 years from now.


President¡¯s Background

Meanwhile Jang-seok Park, the President of the SKC, as an expert manager who has innovated its business structure since he took office as CEO in 2004, reorganized the company into key businesses centering around the current film and chemical ones. Attaching importance to technologies and not saving support for training of research staff and R&D, he pumps up the development of high value-added products. Since enterprises that can adapt themselves to environment and cope with it wisely may survive, he promotes the SKC to an enterprise specialized in green materials concentrating on the megatrend of the industry and practicing the management philosophy, ¡°Big Think, Start Small¡± beginning with small things.


Further Information: SKC (www.SKC.co.kr)



Dyesol-Timo: The First DSC Pilot Line to be Commercialized


Dyesol-Timo, a joint-venture company established by Australia-based Dyesol, one of the world¡¯s leading enterprises in the field of dye-sensitized solar cells established a DSC Pilot Line for the first time in the world.



Dyesol-Timo is a joint-venture company established by Australia-based Dyesol, one of the world¡¯s leading enterprises in the field of dye-sensitized solar cells and Korea-based Timo Technology in 2009 to develop commercial DSC products. Dyesol-Timo established a DSC Pilot Line with technical staffs from Dyesol for the first time in the world within a short time after the foundation of the company and carries out PP test for the release of commercial products in the second half of 2010. Dyesol-Timo as a DSC technology holding enterprise, has main business models such as the development of commercial products of dye-sensitized solar cells, the supply of Dyesol¡¯s raw materials, equipment and solutions in Korea and IP Licensing, and etc.


Products and Technology

It will introduce from basic DSC modules and panels to DSC Ven-developed products as an application product at EXPO Solar 2010. The DSC module includes a basic unit using solar cells, various sizes (5¡¿5 §², 10¡¿10 §², 15¡¿15 §²) and colorful design. The DSC panel is a transparent DSC panel with proven high efficiency and reliability which can be used for BIPV and has a light-emitting tile radiating LED using DSC¡¯s electricity generated.

DSC Vent is an application of dye-sensitized solar cell to energy-consuming ventilation device constituting a window type ventilation system using natural wind, radiant heat and light of the sun. In addition, DSC materials include TiO2, Electrolyte, Dye and Pt Paste, and, etc.


Further Information: Dyesol-Timo (http://www.timo.co.kr/)



Samsung Electronics: Securing Solar Cell Price by Localization


Samsung Electronics, having started solar cell project for solar electricity generation at Samsung Comprehensive Technology Institute in 1993, is currently researching and developing various types of solar cells such as thin-film type.



Samsung Electronics, having started solar cell project for solar electricity generation at Samsung Comprehensive Technology Institute in 1993, has constantly worked on R&D and in 2009, it started solar cell business in full.

Currently, constant R&D is in progress  of operating trial and mass production lines of the 30 MW R&D solar cells in full at Giheung Plant from September 2009, and it is developing various types of solar cells such as thin-film type.

Samsung Electronics¡¯ solar cell line, based on the technological power it has built in semi-conductor and LCD business so far, has localized most of the necessary equipment, with the equipment localization ratio up to 85%. Samsung Electronics secures price competitiveness even in a large-scaled mass production line by securing solar cell manufacture facilities and technologies for the processes. Also, it was able to secure the ability to operate the lines and mass-production efficiently by reducing equipment installation time for a half developing localized equipment development with conventional turnkey method.

Samsung Electronics has already accomplished the highest efficiency of phototransformation of crystalline solar cells through the R&D so far in the industry, and is trying to develop technologies to obtain higher efficiency.

In December 2009, it concluded an MOU on Solar Cell Project with Namdong Electricity Generation and plans to work on the construction of solar electricity generation business.

Currently, Samsung Electronics concentrates on the development of solar cell in a various forms such as crystalline and thin-film. Applying the world¡¯s top technologies in semi-conductors and LCD mass-production to solar cells, it plans to secure price-competitive solar cell mass-production technologies by innovating the processes and improving the equipment.


Thoughts on EXPO Solar 2010

Through EXPO Solar 2010, Samsung Electronics that participated in solar-related exhibition for the first time, plans to introduce a variety of types of solar cells currently in R&D and display top level technological power in the industry.

Chang-shik Choi, Vice-president of Solar Energy Business Team, LCD Operation Division, Samsung Electronics explained, ¡°The goal of Samsung Electronics in 2010 is to improve the efficiency of phototransformation of solar cells now in R&D constantly to industrialize them soon.¡±


Further Information: Samsung Electronics (www.samsung.com.sec)



SFA: Leading Automation of Solar Cell Manufacture


SFA, one of the representative solar equipment enterprises, manufactures solar cell automation facility with the potential of success in green energy market for the purpose of environmental preservation.


Who is SFA?

The solar industry emerging throughout the world has stepped up as the greatest green energy industry taking advantage of low carbon policy. As environmentally advanced countries such as Germany, Japan and the U.S. are discussing on solutions for issues such as the depletion of fossil energy with interest in green energy which has been created as a national trend.

SFA, one of the representative solar equipment enterprises also jumped into solar market beginning with the manufacture of solar cell automation facility with the potential of success in green energy market for the purpose of environmental preservation.

Seung-won Lee, Managing Director of SFA, explained, ¡°Keeping pace with the flow of green energy in the world, we supplied automation equipment of stage 1 line to the first Korean solar cell manufacturers in 2006. Currently, we have worked on automation of solar cell manufacture line at stages 2 and 3, and based on this automation technology for cell manufacture line, we started developing all procedure equipment. Furthermore, we have completed the development of batch manufacture facilities including stringer and lay up, auto soldering M/C and laminator in solar module line and the supply of 30 MW solar module batch manufacture line first in Korea in 2009.¡±



The SFA has carried out projects in the industries such as LCD, semi-conductor and automobile for 25 years. Its technologies and know-hows accumulated for a long time have satisfied the needs of customers in the field of solar cell. The SFA participating in many developments of new equipment of clients, has the largest clean room facility where it can work on batch processes such as design, manufacture and test. In addition, its strong organization consisting of 645 employees and more than 600 engineers provides the best service that meets the needs of customers.

Director Lee stressed his ambition, showing his vision, ¡°It will jump up as a global enterprise that would lead green era, securing technology that can lead the market with intensive R&D on solar industry in the future.¡±


Further Information: SFA (http://www.sfa.co.kr/)



Hyundai Heavy Industries: Achieving a Vertical Integration


Hyundai Heavy Industries is expected to prove the first and the only company which will have achieved a vertical integration across the overall solar business areas.



Hyundai Heavy Industries has perceived solar business as a driving force for future growth since the early 2000 when local solar industry was just in an embryonic stage, investigated proper timing for business implementation around its R&D center, organized a task force at the end of 2004, and started to produce modules to enter into the solar business to a full extent.

For the first time in Korea, the company successfully exported its products to its major trade partners in European market, and was used in the PR attempt for a leading local financial institution, widely informing its quality technology at home and abroad. In 2007, the company moved and expanded its factory to Eumseong, Chungbuk, Korea, where in 2009, the first infra was implemented fitted with mass production instruments and equipments for increasing production capacity and extended the 330 MW solar cell production line and 270 MW module production facility. In addition, through a partnership with KCC, the company is to begin mass production of polysilicon in 2010, and by building a new ingot and a wafer factory by the end of 2010, the company is expected to prove the first and the only company which will have achieved a vertical integration across the overall solar business areas.

Products and Service

Hyundai Heavy Industries has provided quality solar modules for its major trade partners in Europe and Japan. Locally, the company serves as a total system provider, offering and planning materials, technology, construction and after-care services. To provide more extensive customer service, the company is to develop diversified products and extend business models into finance and before services.


Thoughts on EXPO Solar 2010

As solar modules need guaranteeing a life span lasting 25 to 30 years after installation, quality assurance of each equipment and material and the sustainability of suppliers have become significant purchase decision points. So, in Expo Solar 2010, Hyundai Heavy Industries is to emphasize its company image as the world¡¯s best ship-building company and a leading player in heavy electric machine and make PR efforts to let its stabilized quality control and guarantee system known so as to gain customer trust in Hyundai Heavy Industries¡¯ products. Also, as few companies have established a value chain encompassing poly silicon, ingot, wafer, cell and module around the world, the company is to impress its customers as a brand of globally competitive, specialized and differentiated solar producer and supplier.


Future Plans

Hyundai Heavy Industries has recorded more than 500 billion KRW in revenue in solar business and plans to earn over 1 trillion KRW next year with annual growth rate 100% and beyond. For that purpose, the company is to extend investment in facility constantly to launch diverse products meeting customers¡¯ needs just in time. At the same time, the company is to focus on enhancing marketing efforts in new markets such as the U.S., the Czech Republic, France and India and developing localized strategies in each country for shorter delivery time and more satisfactory customer service.


Background of the Vice Chairman

Gye-sik Min, the vice chairperson for Hyundai Heavy Industries is an essential walking evidence of the worlds best Korean ship-building industry. Inside, he has perceived the feasibility of renewable energy field since 1990, formed a task force in the in-house lab for R&D efforts and led Hyundai Heavy Industries entrance into the renewable energy business including solar and wind power generation. Outside, he was in charge of the first chairperson for the Korea Solar Industry Association and the director for Solar Cell Research Co-op launched in 2009 to contribute to activating local renewable energy industry and to enhancing relevant technical competitiveness.


Further Information: Hyundai Heavy Industries (http://www.hhi.co.kr/)



Jusung Engineering: 5th Generation Solar Cell Tandem and BIPV Modules


Jusung Engineering, which entered into the crystalline solar cell market in December 2007, has already established the 5th-plus generation large-area PECVD unit and a strong infra in the field of TFT LCD.



Jusung Engineering has already established technical competitive edge related to the 5th-plus generation large-area PECVD unit and a strong infra in the field of TFT LCD, which has served as a relatively advantageous base for the company to enter into the field of solar cell industry using similar hardware. In 2006, the company aimed at the solar power generation unit market mounted with its precision technology for semiconductor equipments and large-area processing technology for TFT-LCD, and in January 2007, achieved a turnkey base contracts for the large-scale thin-film solar cell processing unit.

In 2008, the company co-founded ZONE PV corporation with JIANGSU ZONGYI Group in Nantong-si Gangso-seong, China and has produced one of the world¡¯s best quality thin-film solar cells since December 2009.

In December 2007, Jusung entered into the crystalline solar cell market under the equipment assessment agreement with the world-renowned French Commissariat a l¡¯Energie Atomique(CEA) in relation to the co-development of new technology of the hetero-junction hybrid solar cells, through which it was able to markedly improve the efficiency of conventional crystalline solar cells, while obtaining an absolute competitive edge and optimizing mass production technology.

Supplying both ¡°Thin film¡± and ¡°crystalline¡± solar cell equipments, Jusung is mainly providing turnkey base thin-film solar cell equipment and core process crystalline solar cell equipment for entities in Korea, China and the U.S. Also, based on self-developed patent technology and core equipments, the company has established a pilot production line in its HQ located in Gwangju Gyeonggido, Korea, as part of investment efforts to raise its technology up to the world¡¯s best level in terms of thin film and crystalline as well as hybrid solar cells.

Jusung boasts of the world¡¯s best 7.5% of stabilized efficiency rate in single junction technology, and recently has drawn attention from the rest of the world by achieving, with all the tough competition with other global equipment manufacturing players, the multi-junction (Tandem) solar cells using its equipment and technology for manufacturing another world¡¯s best stabilized conversion efficiency rate of more than 10%.

Besides, BIPV system created with Jusung-specific original technology is a building-integrated solar power generation system, assuring over 40% increased power generation capacity under the same transparency.


Thoughts on EXPO Solar 2010

During the EXPO Solar the company is to display the 5th generation solar cell Tandem and BIPV modules produced at its pilot line, while making PR efforts to informing other participants and potential customers at home and abroad of its solar cell equipments and relevant diverse display panels not to mention its superior technology and strengths.


Future Plans

In 2010, Jusung plans to focus on increasing orders from China for market dominance and from the U.S. and India for market entrance, furthering local customer base with the high-efficiency hybrid and BIPV technologies and exploring new markets in Southeast Asia, Middle East and Africa.


Further Information: Jusung Engineering (www.jseng.com/kor)



Aaron: Superior Technology of Home-manufactured Equipment


Home-manufactured tabber and stringer supplied at a rock-bottom price by Aaron.


Brief History

Aaron started its business in the field of memory semiconductors in 2000, and has expanded business scope based on its rich experience in relevant field into LED, BIO, MEMS, and solar lighting.

In 2007, Aaron developed tabber and stringer, two core modules for solar module equipments and supplied products in 2008, having successfully stabilized its business since 2009 with the top performance at home. This has been applied to the mass production module line for the first time in Korea. Aaron has constantly upgraded the equipments with a view to entering into overseas markets. Aaron is attempting to develop equipments with superior performance through constant R&D efforts, and now the company is developing thin-film modular equipments.


Products on Display at EXPO Solar 2010

Excluding the equipment localized and mass-produced at home, Aaron has been specialized in manufacturing and supplying tabber and stringer which are the most essential core equipment among solar module production equipments. Particularly, for heat treatment and ribbon bonding, the company has adopted the most optimal hot air method for easy and simple maintenance and excellent bonding condition while obtaining relevant patents.

On top of anything else, Aaron has applied basic clean rooms to the module manufacturing line for the first time at home for quality improvement and with a separate exhaust facility to deal with harmful gases emitted in the course of module manufacturing process for the benefit of workers¡¯ safety, which constitutes a strong total solution providing design, construction and after-care services across the entire turnkey line. In addition, the company is engaged in specialty gas plant construction used a lot in solar industry.


Thoughts on EXPO Solar 2010

Aaron is to participate in the EXPO Solar and let the world know its superior technology of home-manufactured equipment has been applied with mass production line for the first time at home and provided at the lowest price at home as well as present super-hard equipments related to LED and FTTH.


2010 Outlook

As of now, Aaron is developing thin-film module equipment beyond crystalline substances, and in 2010, the company is to make the top solar module production equipment company leading the market at home and abroad, for which purpose it is to build partnerships to enter into overseas markets.


Further Information: Aaron (http://www.aaron21.co.kr/)



LST Energy: A Total Solution Provider for Module Manufacturers


LST Energy is to make a sensation with overseas certification and market expansion of solar modules.


The Foundation

LST Korea foresaw the feasibility of solar business and has investigated world solar industry for two years to get information and knowledge. The company has signed exclusive solar module manufacturing contracts with world-renowned J-box, back-sheet, EVA and PV-ribbon and formed supply value chains. Growing into a leading solar biz company, LST introduced its solar cell module for module manufacturers to local power generation entities and overseas partners and built win-win structures. Further, by importing and selling the high-efficiency SANTERNO inverter, the company has completed a base as a total solution provider.

In 2008, LST founded LST Energy for dealing with local enterprises and specialty businesses. LST Energy deals with Junction Box manufactured by YUKITA Japan to provide YJB-13 suitable for local environment and user specs. In 2009, the company developed and supplied UL/TUV commonly certified products fitted with inventory management and cost reduction features (YJB-16, 17&18).


Products on Display at EXPO Solar 2010

The company imports back-sheet products from Madico in the U.S., which account for 85% and 28% of American and world markets respectively. Back-sheets are attached to the rear side of the solar modules to protect the cells from moisture and dirt. Most back-sheets LST provides at home are Protekt HD (for crystalline substances) and Protekt TFB HD (for thin films). Also, the company has signed a contract with STR Eva Film in the U.S.-renowned for its premium product quality, and imports and supplies Santreno inverter products from 40-year seasoned industrial inverter developer Elettronica Santerno in Italy. The inverter is the world¡¯s best in energy conversion rate efficiency (up to 98.5%) and ranges from small capacities to maximum 730 kW products.


Future Outlook

As aforesaid, LST does not just import and sell products but also adjusts world trends to develop and provide environment-suitable goods by paying attention to local module manufacturers. The company runs its own lab to constantly improve conversion efficiencies and reduce costs. In the up-coming future, the company is to assist large enterprises with solar materials once those are successfully developed. Until now constant investment has not been active, but from 2010 the company is expected to see substantial growth in sales due to overseas certification of solar modules and relevant market expansion. Global changes toward low-carbon structures will create new environment-related business opportunities, so LST Korea is also preparing for green-home and small co-generation fields.


Further Information: LST Energy (http://www.lstkorea.kr/)



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