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Geoprotek: Meeting Monitoring System Requirements

Geoprotek Tech, Inc. produces mainly grid-tied PV inverter, PV system monitoring devices and software. The company¡¯s GS inverters with great performance and wide range from 1.5 kW to 72 kW provide the certifications for CE and VDE. Also, the company creates the complete monitor products for solar inverters. The company¡¯s main monitoring products called ¡®GS logger¡¯ and ¡®GS Home Touch¡¯ can support the diverse monitor requirements in solar systems to meet customer needs.


Figure 1. Monitoring system with GS Logger (Source: Geoprotek)


GS Logger Process


GS Logger is a powerful monitoring device that is able to connect to 50 GS Inverters directly via RS485. It can read information including Vpv(V), Ipv(A), Ppv(W), kWh, temperature, efficiency, alarm status, Fac, Zac, and etc from GS Inverter. GS Logger can be connected to sensor box with irradiation and module temperature measurement mapping to different inverters. As the alarm occurred, the software send e-mail and GSM message automatically. For display requirement, customers can connect GS Logger to a TFT LCD, moving LED display or 7-segment LED display panel (see Figure 1).


Flexible for Customers


The software on GS Logger provides a great flexibility to customize the display screen. All the data on the screen can include the display position, format, color and the data source. So, users can put the data indicators wherever they want. The screen¡¯s background image also can be changed. Users can customize favorite display condition and provide the best solution for PV system monitoring.



For Remote Monitoring


For remote monitoring, the company provides two ways to monitor the data on remote system. One is the GS Logger built in the Web server that users can review data via IE Web browser from remote PC. The other is that users can setup a central PC with the GS Central Management software, and GS Central can monitor multiple GS Logger or GS Home Touch in remote PC via TCP/IP whether a fixed IP or dynamic IP.


Figure 3. Monitoring network (Source: Geoprotek)



Attractive for System Integrators


The GS Home Touch has a attractive and user-friendly interface that make home users can check if their solar system works properly and the yield of money. It also supports remote monitoring function and digital picture display function that make the GS Home Touch more convenient for system integrators.



Further Information: Geoprotek (http://www.geoprotek.com/)




For more information, please send your e-mails to pved@infothe.com.

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