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EXPO Solar 2010

EXPO Solar 2010 has been the first exhibition in 2010 to provide an early glimpse of the global photovoltaic industry this year. The three-day event attracted over 30,000 buyers from all parts of the world who held active sales discussions on the show floor. Industry experts view EXPO Solar as a gateway to the global PV market.


By Jeanny Lim


Over 3 bustling days, from 3 to 5 February, 2010, the photovoltaic market was all abuzz at one spot, in KINTEX, Ilsan, Korea. After its huge success last year, EXPO Solar (www.exposolar.org) came back this year to get even more enthusiastic welcome and responses from both exhibitors and visitors alike.


Signs of Recovery


After a very difficult year in 2009, the PV market is witnessing some signs of recovery all over the world. As the global PV market begins its path to recovery, solar professionals, entrepreneurs and business leaders headed to EXPO Solar 2010 to gauge the market sentiment in the new energy economy. At a time when leading PV markets such as Germany, the U.S., France and Italy have seen some strengthening market conditions and an increase in demand, EXPO Solar 2010 served visitors as a valuable indicator of things to come.


PV Industry under One Roof


Across three days, EXPO Solar 2010 attracted an average of 10,000 visitors per day. The event brought over 500 key buyers from major PV markets including Germany, which takes about 60% of the global PV market, Italy and the U.S.

Visitors to EXPO Solar had the pleasure to meet two world-class electronics giants, Samsung and LG. Samsung Electronics and LG Electronics showed their seriousness about solar by participating in EXPO Solar 2010¦¡their first-ever participation in an event of its kind.


International Platform & Showcase for PV


At EXPO Solar 2010, Samsung Electronics showcased their c-Si, thin-film and CIGS solar cells. Samsung Electronics was particularly excited to unveil their c-Si solar cells with 18% efficiency and their modules with 255 Wp for the first time to the international market, which Samsung believes would better position the company in price competition.

LG Electronics introduced their customized solar products categorized into three themes¦¡Green Home, Building Solution including BIPV and Solar Power Plant. Other exciting products on display at LG Electronics booth included their thin-film solar cells with world¡¯s top-level  efficiency of 11.1% and BIPV power systems.

Korea¡¯s largest PV producer, Hyundai Heavy Industries, presented products geared toward specific markets including slim inverters targeting the Japanese residential market.



The Easiest Way to Reach Global Solar Market


Exhibitors reported results that exceeded expectations. ¡°The level of technical expertise of exhibitors and technical understanding of visitors to EXPO Solar was very high. The visibility and exposure we generated at this event among key influencers has been invaluable for us as we expand our business to Asia and the world,¡± said Jerome Mazet, APAC Marketing Manager of Trina Solar.


Growth Continues


Commenting on the continued exceptional growth of EXPO Solar, Jeffrey Choi, Chairman of the EXPO Solar Organizing Committee, said, ¡°More than 65% of the exhibitors of EXPO Solar 2010 have not only booked their space for the 2011 event, but doubled their booth size.¡±


The Next Wave: EXPO Solar 2011


The next EXPO Solar will be held from 16 to 18 February, 2011, at KINTEX, Korea. The 2011 event will present an unmatched access to the Asian PV market by strengthening cooperation with key Asian PV countries including Korea, China, Japan and India.



Jeanny Lim is Editor-in-Chief of InterPV. Send your comments to swied@infothe.com.



For more information, please send your e-mails to pved@infothe.com.

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