Component & Power

Solar System for Flat Roofs

hb Solar of Southern California and its sister company, hb Solar Handels GmbH of Germany, provide environment-friendly technologies for renewable energy use. hb Solar is a manufacturing company as well as a service company with expertise in handling photovoltaic systems projects for any size of application. The company? SCIROCCO system has been a success on flat roofs.


SCIROCCO system in San Diego, U.S.A.


By Yolanda Herrera


Revolutionary System Fastened by Wind Flow


The SCIROCCO system for flat roofs has revolutionized the solar market by providing up to 70% reduction in static loads, when compared to conventional systems, without penetrating the actual roof. The system is held down on the roof by forces of nature. The SCIROCCO systems unique design allows for the system to be held in place by wind force. Thus, the wind flow around the system is creating negative pressure underneath the system and the system is then drawn down onto the roof. The entire system is based on complex mathematical formulas. The systems optimal slant would consist of 20°, 25°or 30°angle of incidence and partake in the systems mathematical formula.


Advantages of the System


Along with the systems unique design, the use of aluminum and stainless steel assures for maximum degree of stability and corrosion resistance, while maintaining lower weight loads and without penetrating the actual roof. Aluminum bars connecting to the system guarantee added stability and safety of the system. The hb SCIROCCO system can resist higher wind loads and displacing force than traditional flat roof systems. In addition, the SCIROCCO system is suitable for almost all flat roofs and for many different solar modules.


Yolanda Herrera is Marketing Assistant at hb Solar of Southern California (




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