Konarka Bankruptcy a Result of Tech...
Despite ample funding, Konarka’s modules could not compete in the market on cost, efficiency, or lifetime, validating Lux Research...
Stop Waiting for the ...
Collaborating to build a robust solar module industryAnyone involved in the...
Bankruptcy Fears for LDK Solar
Chinese photovoltaics leader LDK Solar (LDK) is headed for bankruptcy according to industry observers within China, due to its imm...
Country PV Factsheets...
This three-series country factsheets give an overview of the PV market situ...

The U.S. PV Market: Manifold Opportunities for Inv...
The U.S. solar PV market is one of the great hopes of the PV industry. According to IHS iSupply, the United States was the third larges...

30 MAY 2012
Solar Module Shipments to North America Could Drop...
US antidumping tariffs could suspend 45% of solar module shipments to North America.

30 MAY 2012
Shift in Focus in Funding
President Obama’s FY 2013 budget shifts SunShot Initiative focus from early stage to manufacturing-scale research.

29 MAY 2012
Korea Takes a Step Forward in Adopting RPS
Korea held an agreement ceremony for successful enforcement of RPS.The agreement ceremony which promotes the renewable energy supply ex...

29 MAY 2012
2012 PV Installations Outlook
Global PV installations will grow by up to 21% in 2012, predicts IMS Research.

29 MAY 2012
Total and SunPower Commission a New Solar Panel Ma...
SunPowers Porcelette facility to produce the industrys highest efficiency solar panels

29 MAY 2012
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