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Eurener, Chilectra and CDT train in solar energy

• The manufacturer of photovoltaic modules collaborates with the giant Chilean electricity for training in renewable technologies
• The course was held on August 21st and 22nd with the presence of Vanessa Nolasco, Eurener R&D Manager, serving as rapporteur
• Following the success of participation both multinationals are preparing new courses to further the dissemination of knowledge on renewable energy

 In collaboration with Chilectra and CDT, Eurener has conducted a specialized course aimed at construction professionals titled "Introduction to solar energy." On August 21st and 22nd at the premises of the Faculty of Architecture and Building belonging to the University of the Americas (UDLA), located in Santiago de Chile, the course was taught by Vanessa Nolasco, Eurener R&D Manager.


The pupils have acquired knowledge and skills to, in the exercise of their profession, achieve design and specify a basic level of solar energy solutions for homes, buildings and other structures, clearly identifying the essentials photovoltaic concepts, the various factors influencing in these facilities, design and dimensioning of connecting structures and profitability of PV projects.


Learning has been supplemented by an analysis of the global energy scene, an introduction to the types of solar photovoltaic systems explaining the advantages of facilities solutions Off-Grid and On Grid of less than 100 kW. There was a special section for description of the manufacture of photovoltaic modules as well as several examples.


The course is aimed at professionals in the world of construction, mainly architects and civil engineers who work in the area of technical specification, with basic knowledge of building physics and energy. Also suitable for students of civil engineering and architecture seniors interested in building physics and energy efficiency.


The events success raised the three entities conducting further training activities to promote among Chilean professionals groups  the advantages and opportunities of solar energy.

Chilectra is the Chilean Electricity Company, electricity distributor. Created on September 1st, 1921, as CHILECTRA Ltda, to merge “Chilean Electric Tramway and Light Company” (1889) and “Compañía Nacional de Fuerza Eléctrica” (1919). In May 2005 Chilectra S.A. agreed to approve the operation to contribute their shareholdings in the companies Ampla and Investluz (Coelce) to the new company established in Brazil "Endesa Brasil". Through this partnership would proceed to reorganize the assets of generation, distribution and transmission owned by Chilectra S.A., Enersis S.A., Endesa S.A. and Endesa Internacional S.A. Endesa Brazils constitution was finalized in June 2005 and the contributions of equity interests were held in October of that year. At that time Chilectra contributed part of its participation in Ampla Energía & Servicios, pending the provision of the remaining shares (restricted stock), which must be carried out between 2008 and 2012. At December 31st, 2007 Chilectra possessed, in economic terms, the 9.01% of Endesa Brasil.


The CDT is a private corporation created by the Chilean Chamber of Construction in 1989, its mission is to promote innovation, technological development and productivity of companies in the construction sector through various service areas such as Technology Dissemination, Knowledge Management, Sectoral Studies, Coordination of Technology Stakeholders and Technology Transfer.



About Eurener

Eurener is a leading European manufacturer of solar photovoltaic modules with over 15 years experience, with headquarters in Spain and presence in Europe through its subsidiaries Eurener Italy and Eurener Portugal, distributes its products in Germany, France, Austria, Switzerland, Benelux and from last year in Latin America through its subsidiary in Chile and business offices in Brazil and Ecuador.



Aitor Manero
Marketing and Communication Director

Tel. +34 963 51 87 70



