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DEK Solar customers can expect even faster lead times thanks to new addition

DEK Solar has announced the appointment of Steve Fuszard as its new Production Team Leader. The move is part of the division’s drive to fully integrate the build of its metallization platforms into the successful Lean Manufacturing Build Program now proven throughout the DEK organization.


Having already dramatically reduced PV industry lead times worldwide, the next phase of this initiative looks set to yield even faster equipment turnaround times for DEK Solar customers. In his new role, Steve will be charged with developing the build processes of the company’s award-winning PVP1200 photovoltaic metallization platform to incorporate the organization’s commitment to lean build initiatives. His focus will be twofold; to refine the overall build process and also to work closely alongside suppliers to ensure on time parts delivery and a streamlined global supply chain.

The new DEK Solar Production Team Leader has worked at DEK for the last 17 years in a variety of different roles-- from System Test Manager through to Production Manager in the company’s Precision Screens division. Steve’s Screens expertise is particularly valuable to the Solar Team, since DEK Solar is the only screen printing solutions provider with its own in-house global design and production network for precision screens and stencils. Highly experienced in the area of precision mass imaging technologies, Steve’s dual focus on material supply and build process will enable DEK Solar to drive down lead times even further.

Delivering the high yields and throughput rates required by the solar processing sector, the PVP1200 has driven unprecedented high accuracy metallization of crystalline silicon solar cells. All the features of the PVP1200 that provide its clear competitive edge come from its innovative design. Exceptionally compact, the modular platform makes the most of factory floor space while delivering six-sigma process capability at a resolution of ±12.5 micron for maximum repeatability. Special features include dedicated handling for thin wafers, ensuring low breakage rates for maximum yield, as well as high-speed machine vision capabilities.



Further Information: DEK Solar (



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