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<JUN, Issue, 2012>
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DEGER equips two solar parks in Bosnia-H...
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Grid Parity Is a Misleadi...
Paul Gipe is an award-winning veteran in the work of developing renewable energy p...
Ministers Agree on Advanc...
The German government has cut the subsidization for photovoltaic plants by up to 3...
2011, A New Record Year f...
Belgium’s 2011 PV market beats previous record year 2009. 687 MW*, with more still...
An Expanded Look at De-Io...
The content presented within this article is an extension of a previously publishe...

Solar Call: Q1 2012 Roundup
2011 and the beginning of 2012 mark a very difficult time in the solar industry as the industry continues...

08 MAY 2012
Viewing Renewable Energy as an Opportunity
U.S. Bancorp Community Development Corporation (USBCDC) is dedicated to the development of renewable ener...

08 MAY 2012
A Decade of Photovoltaic Module Accelerated Testin...
Suntech Power has now sold more than twenty million photovoltaic modules worldwide, each with a 25-year p...

08 MAY 2012
Arcs in Photovoltaics
Over the last few years, the number of PV system installations has grown enormously in certain parts of t...

07 MAY 2012
5 Reasons PV Modules Fail Product Certification Te...
Certification testing laboratories test products according to applicable standards and requirements to ve...

07 MAY 2012
Using Cloud-Based Intelligence to Improve the Perf...
Utilizing monitoring technology in large-scale solar arrays is becoming more and more common as the indus...

07 MAY 2012
A Bright Way to Educate
Education is an essential part of the package for solar PV installation company ‘Plug into the Sun’. Chil...

07 MAY 2012
Solar Photovoltaics: Status, Costs, and Trends
This article addresses the status and trends of flat-plate solar photovoltaic power technologies in both ...

07 MAY 2012
Solar Power: Time to Transition to a Market Econom...
As solar feed-in tariff systems collapse one after the other, one is left with the impression that solar ...

04 MAY 2012
Chinese Tier-2 PV Module Prices Fall below US$1/W ...
The average crystalline PV module price from Chinese Tier-2 manufacturers declined twice as quickly as th...

03 MAY 2012
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