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<JUN, Issue, 2012>
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DEGERenergie “heavy duty” tracking systems withstand a tornado

A trail of devastation was left by a tornado that swept through the town of Leamington in the Canadian province of Ontario. Two type 5000HD DEGERenergie tracking systems stood firm against the storm.

The systems had been installed only two days before on the land of a farmer in Leamington by technicians of DEGERenergie partner company Ethosolar Inc. Due to the high wind loads experienced in the region, the HD systems of DEGERenergie had been chosen because they were developed specifically for strong wind regions.

This decision turned out to be a wise one, announced a relieved Peter Mueller, sales manager of Ethosolar, on Monday morning. “The tornado tore through the town just 600 feet from our tracking systems”. It left a trail of devastation in its wake, swept off roofs, overturned a truck, uprooted trees and destroyed a greenhouse complex, among other things. “Our system, consisting of two 5000HD DEGERtrakers and installed just two days previously, was undamaged.”

The dual-axis tracking systems DEGERtraker 3000HD and 5000HD were designed by DEGERenergie specifically for use in strong wind regions and for installation on buildings. The initials “HD” stand for “heavy duty”.

The new design tool developed by DEGERenergie specifically for this purpose ensures that solar installations equipped with this can defy extreme wind loads. Even the basic configuration can withstand wind speeds of up to 170 km/h without any problems-- a large safety reserve safeguards the systems against stronger peak gusts. With a customized design, the maximum wind speed value can be increased to 300 km/h-- the additional safety reserve not included. This enables the installations to be operated on offshore islands and other exposed operating locations.


Further Information: DEGERenergie (



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