Singapore, October 23, 2012 -- Asia is one of the key markets with the highest potential for renewable energies and is quickly moving towards energy transition. Today the highly anticipated “Singapore International Energy Week” is starting with the PV Asia Pacific Expo. Amongst the key players of the energy week is the juwi group. The company is one of the leading project developers for renewable energies with a presence in 15 countries. Since the beginning of this year, the company has established its regional headquarters in Singapore. Now, juwi has entered the Japanese and Taiwanese markets with its own projects.
Currently, 65 juwi employees are working in Asia-Pacific withSingapore as the hub for all juwi activities.At the moment,juwi’s activities in six markets are managed from Singapore with more markets to be added.
“Singapore is well positioned as the leading project development and financing hub for the Asia-Pacific region which is regarded as the next growth frontier in renewable energy. Companies can also leverage Singapore’s strengths in market access, technology and ability to attract international talent. We are confident that juwi’s new regional headquarters in Singapore will help increase the vibrancy of our clean technology industry,” said Mr. GohCheeKiong, Director of Cleantech at the Singapore Economic Development Board.
Amiram Roth-Deblon, juwi Regional Director Asia-Pacific, adds: “Singaporeholds a unique position as the vibrant economic centre of Asia-Pacific. We are very well supported here and could thus successfully start our business.”
(Source: juwi)
Just one month ago juwi and its strategic Japanese partner started the construction of a solar free-field plant in Japan. The project is located in the south of Japanwhich has a capacity of one megawatt and will produce environmentally friendly electricity for approximately 300 households. The plant will be connected to the grid by mid-December.Amiram Roth-Deblonsays: “We are very happy to have found a strategic partner in Japan with great cooperationleading to a successful market entry in Japan. We are convinced that one hundred per cent electricity supply with renewable energy is not only possible, but worthwhile. It is the only secure, affordable and sustainable alternative to nuclear power stations and coal power stations.”
In Taiwan, juwi is currently installing photovoltaic systems on eight rooftops.The projects arebeing constructed in the Province of Jyn Lin. Since the beginning of October, juwi experts and its local Taiwanese partner started renovating the roof for the installation of the photovoltaic system. By the beginning of December the solar plant is expected to beconnected to the grid.
So far juwi hasrealized the greatest volume of Asian projects in India. Here the company started its activities with solar energy in October 2010. Up until now five solar free-field plants have been connected to the grid. In total these projects have a capacity of 22 megawatt. The projects are located in the Northern part of India. Moreover, three more solar free-field plants with a total capacity of approximately 50 megawatt are currently being built by juwi in India. These projects will be connected to the grid in January 2013 at the latest. They are situated in in the federal state of Rajasthan in Northern India. Amiram Roth-Deblon says: “India has a rising energy demand. Renewable energies are a good means to answer this demand without polluting the environment.”
juwi was founded in 1996. Since then the company has gained enormous experience and know-how in the field of renewable energies. It is going to expand its activities as project developer, financier and EPC contractor also to other Asia-Pacific markets. juwi CFO Martin Winter says: “We think that the markets in Asia-Pacific have a large untapped potential for renewable energies. Asia has a backlog of demand for renewable energies and its energy demand is steadily increasing. We therefore expect high growth rates in the field of renewable energies. With 16 years of experience, juwi can contribute significantly to the development of the green energy market.”In the medium-term juwi not only plans to be active in the field of solar, but also in the field of wind and other forms of renewable energy such as bioenergy.
(Source: juwi)
About the juwi group
juwiis one of the world’s leading specialists for renewable energies with a strong regional presence and offers project development as well as products for the energy turnaround. Our goal: 100 percent renewable energies. Our impetus: Work together to implement renewable energies economically and reliably with passion. From site selection to planning, construction and financing up to management – juwi is the competent partner for the energy turnaround with a regional focus.
juwi was founded in 1996 by Matthias Willenbacher and Fred Jung in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany.Today, the company employs more than 1,800 people in 15 countries and had an annual turnover of approx. one billion Euro in 2011. Company activities include mainly solar, wind and bio energy, but also hydropower and geothermal energy as well as Green Buildings.
Up to date, juwi has developed more than 100 wind farms with around 640 wind turbines and an output of around 1,250 megawatts.In the solar sector, more than 1,500 solar power plants with a total output of around 1,250 megawatts were realized. Combined, these plants generate approx. 4.5 billion kilowatt hours of green energy per year; that corresponds to the annual power consumption of approx. 1.3 million households, according to German standards. In the bio energy sector, juwi has realized numerous wood pellet production plants, biogas plants and heating networks with contracting solutions. juwi has initiated an investment of more than five billion Euro in the last 16 years for the realization of all these energy projects.
The juwi group has offices in Germany, France, Italy, Spain, the Czech Republic, Greece, Poland, Bulgaria, Great Britain, India, Singapore, South Africa, Chile, the USA and Costa Rica. In Germany, juwi has subsidiaries and regional offices in eleven German states.
For inquiries:
juwi Holding AG • Ricarda Schuller • Press Department
Tel. +49. (0)6732. 96 57-1228 • Mobil +49. (0)173. 65 99 409