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Conergy to build five solar installations for Italian beach resorts

3.6 MW of solar electricity from Conergy’s premium modules for the BluSerena hotel group


Conergy’s solar experts from Hamburg are set to build five solar installations with a total power output of 3.6 MW for the well-known Italian hotel group, BluSerena. Conergy will install the power plants in the group’s five beach resorts. The Italian hotel chain will power up to three-quarters of its hotel rooms using clean solar electricity, which has been “Made in Germany”, thereby saving up to 78% of electricity costs. In addition, it will be able to benefit from guaranteed state funding. The prestigious project shows that Conergy is on course for further successes in Italy and there is strong demand for its systems technology in the country.


Over three-quarters of Cutro’s energy requirements to be met using solar energy


The installations are for the resorts in Apulia, Sicily, Sardinia and Calabria. Currently, three of these power stations are under construction. The company from Hamburg is using 3,454 Conergy PowerPlus 225 P premium modules for the hotel’s solar installation, which will have an area of 11,000 square metres and an output of 800 KW. It is to be built on top of the carport at the resort in the Calabrian city of Cutro. Three Conergy IPG 300K inverters will feed the clean electricity into the power grid for holidaymakers – a total of almost 1,100 MWh per annum. This will meet more than 78% of the resort’s annual energy requirements.


Clean air on holiday: 230 trees--or one solar installation


Thanks to its solar installation, the resort in Cutro does not just boast sun but also green credentials. The installation will save more than five hundred tons of harmful CO2 emissions a year and preserves the region’s clean air on holidays. This figure equates to the amount of CO2 absorbed by over 230 trees in a year. The power station has been built flat on top of the carport’s roof, helping it blend harmoniously into the rest of the resort. The hotel in Torre Canne di Fasano in Apulia is just as green. Here, Conergy is to build another solar park for the BluSerena chain. This will use over 2,700 Conergy PowerPlus modules, which provide enough electricity to power 350 households with and 850 MWh of CO2-free solar energy, doing the job of 190 trees.


Two parks in San Marzano in Apulia, now five in one go for Conergy Italy


Following the two Apulian twin parks in San Marzano, the five solar installations for BluSerena are the next big project for Conergy Italy. “This project,” said Conergy Italy Chief, Giuseppe Sofia, “means we are on course for further successes – and means we can enter the tourist industry, a completely new market for us. Our BluSerena parks show how solar installations can be integrated harmoniously into an overall design. Thus, we can combine aesthetics with climate protection, ensuring progress and sustainability within tourism.”


Clean solar electricity protects the main tourist attraction: nature


This is precisely what the well-known hotel group is looking to achieve. “For several years now, BluSerena has placed great emphasis on sustainability and ecological compatibility,” says Silvio Maresca, managing director of BluSerena. “After all, nature is our main attraction. Summer is our peak season – precisely when solar installations can generate the highest returns. Therefore, the decision to use clean solar electricity was a no-brainer because of the natural surroundings and us being an ecological company.”


Italy benefits from German quality


All the BluSerena solar installations are equipped with Conergy’s premium modules and inverters, just like the two parks in San Marzano. This is not a coincidence, rather a clear commitment to quality. Silvio Maresca believes the reason is obvious: “Conergy has many years of experience and is known in Italy for its professionalism and the high quality of its products. These criteria were just as important for us as the fact that Conergy is the only company which can offer everything from a single source, from project planning and installation to the manufacture of the modules and inverters.”



Further Information: Conergy (




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