The two parks in Drinovci and in Stolac were installed by the contractor GP TOMING d.o.o., with 504 modules of 295 Watt peak each per park. GP TOMING is currently setting up a new field of business for photovoltaic systems and relies on the tracking technology from DEGER.
Project manager Ivan Tomas: “These two projects are currently the largest photovoltaic systems in Bosnia-Herzegovina. The systems from DEGER are very simple to handle and work perfectly. We encountered no difficulties during installation and commissioning, the installation was completed within the shortest possible time.”
During installation the engineers from GP TOMING were in contact with the Technical Support of DEGER. “The support was second to none”, says Ivan Tomas. After the installation of the first solar park they sent the data to the DEGER headquarters in Horb for examination. “From there we very soon received the information that everything had been correctly installed.”
GP TOMING currently already has plans for 17 more solar parks, l each capacity of 150 kWp. Ivan Tomas rates the current potential for PV systems in Bosnia-Herzegovina with five to six megawatt peak. “We want to install as many parks as possible in the shortest possible time and are determined to equip all these parks with tracking systems from DEGER.”
DEGER is world market leader in the field of solar tracking system. More than 49,000 DEGER-systems have been installed in 49 countries all over the world. The enterprise has branch offices in Spain, Greece and North America and cooperates with local sales and service partners in many counties around the globe. The patented MLD technology from DEGER provides the possibility to achieve on average a 45 percent higher yield in comparison to rigidly mounted systems.
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About DEGER (
DEGER is the leading manufacturer with the globally largest product portfolio for single and dual axis solar tracking systems. Its market position is based on the unique, patented “Maximum Light Detection” - or MLD technology, developed by Artur Deger. It provides the possibility to increase the yield of solar power plants by using an “intelligent” control. The MLD-sensor thereby always aligns the solar modules with the energetically most potent point in the sky. This way MLD-guided solar systems achieve on average a 45 percent higher yield than rigidly installed systems – in peaks this value is even considerably higher. With more than 49,000 system installed in 49 countries, DEGER is world market and technology leader. The enterprise offers all solutions of relevance for the product – from development and planning to production and sales right up to maintenance and repair.
DEGER currently employs nearly 400 employees at its headquarters in Horb, in its branch offices and at suppliers. The company was founded in 1999 and in 2001 was awarded with the Inventor Price of the federal State of Baden-Württemberg for the MLD-sensor. In 2005 DEGER opened its first branch office in Spain, in 2009 branch offices opened in the USA and in Greece, in summer 2011 production started in Australia. DEGER produces in Germany, Australia, Canada and in the USA. Business is managed by Artur Deger.
You can’t always rely on the weather. But you can on a tracking system from DEGER.
Customer Contact: DEGERenergie GmbH
Industriestraße 70
72160 Horb
Phone: +49 (0) 7451-539 14-0
Fax: +49 (0) 7451-539 14-10
Press Contact: Herbert Grab
digit media
Schulberg 5
D-72124 Pliezhausen
Phone: +49 (0) 7127-5707-10