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Seoul drastically changed into PV Sunlight City by 2014

Installation of PV power generation facilities of total 320MW in about 10 thousand places of public and private facilities

 The walk of Seoul to be transformed into ‘PV sunlight city’ is quickly progressing. Seoul city government decided to install PV power generation facilities of total 320MW in about 10,000 places of public and private facilities by 2014, and progresses model business of PV power generation facilities of 5MW in 8 places such as public offices and Arisu water purification center right now this year. Especially, Seoul decided to subsidize a private house which installs 3kW with about US$3,800 and assist the house of 150kW or lower with 40% of installation cost as a loan. In addition for vitalization of private investment, it promotes the reduction of the rent of public facilities from 5% to 1% level. Besides, for the expansion of private participation, while Seoul establishes strategic system of cooperation with the entire field and each of classes of society, it will make the country’s first ‘PV Map’ on which you can see the situation of PV power generation in Seoul area at a glance and open it to the citizens. In Seoul, the PV power generation facilities of total 17.6MW is installed in more than 1,600 places so far, the change into Sunlight City is already in progress.

Seoul revealed that it will promote the installation of PV power generation facilities of the scale of total 320MW which is about the level of one-third of 1 unit of nuclear power plant of medium scale in about 10 thousand places of public and private facilities in Seoul such as public offices, schools, private buildings and houses by 2014. Accordingly, the construction of the scale of 160MW in public sector and 160MW in private sector is the aim to be progressed. This is the materialization of the sector of construction of sunlight city that the entire city of Seoul is PV power generation station out of ‘comprehensive measures for reduction of one nuclear station’ announced on the last April 27, and it was arranged to prepare for the disaster of electric power failure which the centralized power supply can cause and to bring up the ability of self-sufficiency of electric power of Seoul.

The scale of construction for each object of public sector (160MW) is 600 public offices of 30MW and the 1,000 schools of 100 MW and 26 infrastructures of 30MW and private buildings (160MW) are 5,000 general buildings of 150MW and 3,500 houses of 10MW. First, this year the city is planning to install PV power generation facilities of total 60MW in 1,600 places of public offices, schools and private buildings and houses and is promoting the installation of 50MW in public sector (570 places) and 10MW in private facilities (1,000 places). Especially, in June, in public offices and infrastructures such as Arisu water purification center and Agricultural and Marine Product Wholesale Market of 8 places the model business of installation of PV generation facilities of the scale of 5MW will be carried out through public contest. 
For installation of 3kW subsidy of 3.9 million WON (Approximately US$3,800).

For installation of 150kW, the 40% of installation cost is supported in the form of loan.

In addition, for the private houses of the small and medium scale which install the power generation facilities of 3kW or less, through ‘Seoul House PV installation aid business’ pays installation subsidy of US$3,800 so helps ordinary people install PV power generation facilities without burden. In addition, for the PV power generation facilities of 150kW or less by helping the financing with low interest of annual 2.5% for 40% of the total cost of installation and up to US$100,000 (a loan payable in 5 years with a three-year grace period or paying back a loan in installments over a 8-year period) induces the broad participation of citizens in PV generation.

Together with this, for Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard (RPS) and attraction of private investment using public facilities the city is promoting energy ordinance amendment so that the regulation of rent of public property may be reduced to 1% from 5% of appraised value of land. 
So far in more than 1,600 places total 17.6MW is installed, presently change to Sunlight City is in progress

On the other hand, the scale of PV power generation facilities installed in the entire area of Seoul is 1,600 places and total 17.6MW, and it reaches 176,000㎡ corresponding to the area of soccer field(6,500㎡, 100×65m) of 27 units. Through making installation of new renewable energy facilities in newly constructed building compulsory and propagation business through assisting by payment using government expenditure and city government expenditure and budget support, installed 11MW in 401 places. In addition, through green home 1 million-household business and Seoul’s self-assisting business constructed the scale of 4.1MW in 1,183 private houses. In addition, with the Feed in Tariff of government and private power generation business by RPS enforced from 2012, 2.5MW was installed in 34 places.

The chief of Seoul climate environment headquarter, Lim Ok-Gi, said “PV generation has infinite possibility of use as environmentally friendly natural energy and through the development of technology in the meantime the economic feasibility like enhancement of efficiency is improved so through the expansion of use by public and private sectors as the source of new renewable energy suitable for the characteristics of Seoul. I expect the self-supply ability of the energy of Seoul becomes better.” Also said, “Furthermore together with the systematical arrangement which can make Seoul the mecca of PV sunlight city we will prepare continuous support policy.” 
Installation of 100MW PV generation facilities in about 1000 schools in Seoul in 2014

On June 13, Seoul government, education office in-Seoul and Seoul citizens’ sunlight power station concluded MOU. Accordingly, Seoul promotes the installation of PV power generation facilities of 20MW in 200 schools this year and by 2014 in about 1,000 schools in Seoul the PV power generation facilities are scheduled to be constructed. And including the effort to save energy in the schools and institutions affiliated with the education office in-Seoul, energy saving practice education programs for students will be developed and propagated.

Seoul city government revealed that it concluded business agreement for saving energy and making production infrastructure of renewable energy among Seoul, Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education and Seoul citizens’ sunlight power station.

The mayor of Seoul, Park Won-Soon, superintendent of education of Seoul, Kwak Noh-Hyun, and the chairman of the board of Seoul citizens’ sunlight power station, Park Seung-Ok, attended the ceremony of agreement, and after the conclusion of the agreement, ‘Sunlight city Seoul’ inauguration ceremony supervised by Seoul citizens’ sunlight power station was held together.

This agreement was prepared for the settlement of practice culture of energy saving life of the growing future generation as one of ‘reducing one nuclear power plant comprehensive measures’ announced on the last April 26th and to respond to climate change efficiently through the use of environmentally friendly energy like PV.

Following this agreement, Seoul city government has a purpose of installation of PV power generation facilities of 100MW in about 1,000 schools in Seoul by 2014, and first during this year it installs PV power generation facilities of 20MW in 200 schools in Seoul. And in order to do this, by holding tour business information sessions in each area, it is planning to induce the pan-citizens’ participation. As the role of propagation of PV power generation facilities in the entire areas of Seoul expands through this agreement, the base of the production of new renewable energy expands and by heightening the citizens’ feel by providing various spots of energy saving and propagation of new renewable energy, the promotion of energy saving and production is expected to spread. 

* Construction scale for each object

- Public offices (30MW): Using 600 idle spaces such as the rooftop of buildings and the parking lots

- Schools (100MW): Using the rooftops and stands of 1,000 elementary, middle and high schools

- Infrastructures (30MW): 26 places such as water recycling center, water purifying center and railroad car base

- General buildings (150MW): 5,000 places with the floor space of 500㎡ or more of and with much consumption of energy

- House (10MW): 3,500 houses with power consumption of monthly average less than 600kWh



Contact: Mr. Sydney Suk
PR & Communications, EXPO Solar 2013
Solar Today Magazine
Tel: +82-2-718-6931


