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First European Clause Enters Italian Law

Italy rewards extra 10% subsidy for solar systems which are made in Europe.

The new Italian solar energy law, the “Quarto Conto Energia” will reward plant operators who use solar systems which are “Made in Europe”. They will be able to benefit straight away from a 10% increase in feed-in tariffs. And now the Italian Energy Agency has also published technical guidelines which detail exactly which products are considered to be “Made in Europe” and which are not. Conergy already meets virtually every one of these guidelines--whether with Conergy modules, Conergy inverters or Conergy mounting systems. Conergy manufactures all its components in Europe in order to produce high-performance solar energy systems for its European customers. 

Currently, Conergy is making sure that its products are kitted out with the “Made in EU” certifications and TÜV logos which they now need in Italy. Then anyone buying and installing a Conergy system will be able to enjoy the benefit of 10% higher subsidies compared to similar installations from non-European manufacturers.



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