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Trina Solar to Power Renaults Manufacturing Sites in France

Trina Solar Limited, an integrated manufacturer of solar Photovoltaic (PV) products from ingots to modules, announced that through its subsidiary, Trina Solar (Spain) S.L.U., it has signed a sales agreement with Gestamp Asetym Solar, S.L., a well-established Spanish-based developer of large-scale solar energy projects, to power Renaults manufacturing plants in France.

Under the terms of the agreement, Trina Solar is expected to supply Gestamp Solar with 55 MW of the companys solar modules. These modules are expected to be installed on Renaults manufacturing sites in France, including Douai, Maubeuge, Flins, Batilly and Sandouville.

Upon completion of the project, Trina Solars modules are expected to cover approximately 415,000 square meters of parking lots shelters, equivalent to approximately 55 European football fields. Annual electricity production is estimated to be sufficient to power the needs of a city of approximately 14,000 inhabitants.

"We are very pleased to announce our continued collaboration with Gestamp Solar on the largest solar photovoltaic project in the automotive industry," said Ben Hill, Trina Solars Vice President of Sales and Marketing in Europe. "We are glad to combine our high quality modules and premium service to deliver cost-effective PV solutions for Renaults manufacturing sites in France, and raise awareness of the widespread adoption of solar energy."

"Gestamp Solar is excited to partner with Trina Solar, a vertically integrated Tier-one solar manufacturer," said Alfredo Gonzalez-Izquierdo, Production Director of Gestamp Solar. "Trina Solars industry leading solar reliability and quality matches perfectly with our mission to provide global services to our clients and become a leading company in all stages involved in the development of the solar business."



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