CEIAB, Frances Evaluation Committee for BIPV products, has added Just Roof™ into the list of recommended, reliable building-integrated solar products for residential buildings. As a CEIAB-approved BIPV product, clients that choose Just Roof™ for their solar installations now qualify for the highest feed-in-tariff available in France.
Jean-Yves Lindheimer, head of Suntechs French operations headquartered in Grenoble stated, "This approval from CEIAB is another positive milestone for Just-Roof™ in France and is testimony to the reliability and quality of our BIPV system. This assures our partners and customers that Suntechs best-selling BIPV product is indeed the right choice."
In January 2012, commercial and residential buildings in France will need to comply with the RT 2012 law, which regulates the carbon dioxide emissions and energy consumption of buildings. Suntechs Just Roof™ system integrates seamlessly into rooftops and is an excellent solution to help buildings comply with the new regulations.
The recently released second-generation Just-Roof™ combines the high efficiency of Suntechs cell technology with ease of installation, and is ideal for renovations and new buildings.
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