a+f GmbH‘s Suncarrier
a+f GmbH, a member of the GILDEMEISTER group, has been successfully active in the mechanical engineering industry for more than 25 years. The company is participating in the growing solar technology market with the SunCarrier. In implementing its international "SunCarrier" market strategy, a+f GmbH is able to take advantage of GILDEMEISTERs worldwide comprehensive sales and service network. The business model is focused on the complete execution of turnkey projects and after-sales service. In the area of Components, a+f GmbH is especially geared towards the marketing of components, particularly for wind energy. The business was expanded through entering the promising future market of energy storage.
a+f GmbH has been focusing on the industrial construction of solar parks with its SunCarrier tracking system since 2006. The SunCarrier is a single-axis tracking system that permanently aligns the module surface according to the sun position via the vertical axis. This ensures an optimal angle of incidence for the sunlight and additional yield of up to 35 % as compared to conventional solutions available on the market. Depending on the used module type, an output of up to 53 kWp can be installed on the SunCarrier’s module surface of up to 287.5 square meters. At a location in
Southern Europe, this corresponds to the power supply of up to 30 four-person households, assuming a consumption of 3,500 kWh/year per household.
The first type 220 SunCarrier with a module surface of 225 square meters was developed in W?rzburg in 2004 and subsequently tested extensively for two years. The successor models SunCarrier 250 and SunCarrier 260 as well as SunCarrier 300 feature large module surfaces with the same robust steel construction. The SunCarrier 160 modules are aligned at a significantly steeper angle with 40°, which--in particular in the region around the 40th latitude--further increases the tracking effect to up to 35%. In spite of its slope angle of 40° the SunCarrier 160 excels with a installation height of around 4 meters.
The company introduced the SkyCarrier series in 2009, which was especially developed for the use in regions around the equator. Considering the sun angle of up to 90° the SkyCarrier tracking systems align the modules along the horizontal axis. The SkyCarrier 250 offers a module surface of 247m² at a installation height of 7.6 meters. An output of up to 48 kWp can be installed, depending on the module type. A low installation height of 2.2 meters and a module slope angle of ±60°of the SkyCarrier 1000 enable an even more precise alignment with the sun position; especially at dawn and dusk.
a+f GmbH has used the SunCarrier and SkyCarrier series to install numerous individual plants in Bulgaria, China, Germany, Dubai, France, Japan, India, Korea, the Czech Republic and the USA in the recent years. In addition, the company is focused on so-called turnkey projects, which have been realized mainly in Italy, Greece and Spain. a+f GmbH offers its customers ready-to-use solutions with these turnkey projects. Services include the complete project management from development and planning to realizing the plant as well as customer service and maintenance.
Further Information: a+f GmbH (www.a+f.net)
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