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<JUN, Issue, 2012>
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German PV Projects

Day4 Energy announced the successful completion of two major photovoltaic projects in Germany


Day4 Energy Inc., one of the leading global providers of solar photovoltaic products and solutions, has announced it has completed the construction of two turnkey, ground-mounted photovoltaic power plants in Germany totaling over 2.5MW.

Built for a repeat customer of Day4 Energy, the 1.8 MW Solar farm Fischbach project in Niedereschach-Fischbach consists of 9,792 Day4 Energy 48MC-S panels. Designed to produce enough power for over 500 households, this  project will contribute to the reduction of approximately 1,170 tons of  carbon-dioxide annually.

The second project recently competed was a 715 kW installation built for Kreissparkasse Rottweil, a local savings bank in Germany. Comprising 3,920 Day4 Energy 48MC-S panels, the Energiepark Zimmern will produce enough electrical power for 200 households and will yield an annual reduction of approximately 464 tons of carbon-dioxide.

"The successful completion of these two projects, in particular the fact that it took just six weeks from construction commencement to grid connection, confirms Day4 Energys outstanding project management expertise," noted George Rubin, President of Day4 Energy. "As we continue to develop and  promote both our project management and turn-key manufacturing capabilities,  Day4 Energy is establishing itself as a strong partner, and catalyst for the widespread adoption of solar photovoltaics in markets across the world," concluded Mr. Rubin.

Day4 Energy continues to grow its presence in the solar project market, and intends to scale its project development business model to markets outside of Germany, most notably Italy and Canada, in the coming year.



Further Information: Day4 Energy (



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