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<JUN, Issue, 2012>
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DEGER equips two solar parks in Bosnia-H...
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CPV Plants Map 2011
Researchers at PV Insider have completed work on the CPV World Map 2011.
Who Will Win the Game?
How will the industry cope with the declining price of PV system?
2011 PV Demand Forecast R...
PV demand forecast for 2011 was raised to over 22 GW and only 4 of top 10 market...
Top 10 Crystalline Module...
Which module manufacturers produce the most efficient monocrystalline PV modules...

Good Enough Is Better than Best for Solar Modules
Reduced costs─not increased performance─will largely drive solar module makers’ adoption of new non-activ...


23 AUG 2011
Historic US$1-Per-Watt Solar Modules Just Months A...
The drops in pricing were spurred by the recent price slide in cells and wafers.


18 AUG 2011
Rapid PV Module Price Declines to Drive Strong Rec...
Rapidly falling PV module prices will be a key factor in re-establishing demand in the second half of the...


17 AUG 2011
Polymers in the Photovoltaic Industry
The solar power industry is continuing to grow exponentially worldwide and a total 16,000 MW of PV system...


16 AUG 2011
The Solar Power Photovoltaic Market 2011-2021
Visiongain, a consultancy service provider, takes a comprehensive look into this modern PV industry. Visi...


12 AUG 2011
Record Module Inventory Levels
Global PV module inventories reached record level in the second quarter of 2011.


19 JUL 2011
Diversifying into PV: Where to Enter the PV Busine...
The 21st century has seen significant advances in technology, both in terms of the number, size and incre...


13 JUL 2011
PV Cost Reduction Goals Announced
New roadmap aims for a 40% reduction in silver usage by 2015.


05 JUL 2011
PV Equipment Spending in 2011 at Risk
Strong equipment revenues continue, but declining incentives across Europe are likely to reset capacity e...


24 JUN 2011
PV Modules 2010 Top 10 Rankings
While market conditions meant that all suppliers could grow their shipments, some suppliers were able to ...


14 JUN 2011
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