ISOFOTON is a global company that is present in over 60 countries. It is a pioneering company that is leading the way in the design, manufacturing, and supply of solar energy solutions, thus contributing to sustainable planet development. The company focuses its activity on three technological areas: Photovoltaic, Thermal, and High Concentration Photovoltaic.
Reported by Jeanny H. Lim
What do you see as the trends and market forces driving PV technology in the second half of 2011?
We believe there will be further and intense debate on the adequate mix of energy sources and more consensus on the relevant role that renewable energies may play in the future. Producers and other key market players are expected to focus their activities on the achievable goal of reaching the grid parity. More countries will introduce policies favoring photovoltaic energy production. The financial sector, a compelling factor for the development of the sector, will play a key role for its development.
Where do you put your focus this year, in terms of business growth and technology development?
We’ll continue to search ways of cost reduction and increase production efficiency to be more competitive. We’ll also push ahead with further internationalization to expand our activities in new markets. For our HCPV business, improvement in production line is being made and more installations are deployed worldwide. For our solar module business, continuous increase of our conventional modules’ efficiency is being made.

Jeanny H. Lim is Editor-in-Chief of InterPV. Send your comments to
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