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Woongin energy: Expanding Solar Wafer Business
Woongjin Energy is manufacturing high-quality ingots and wafers to secure the best productivity in monocrystalline silicon field. The company applies new ‘diamond wafer’ technology when they cut an ingot for making wafers. Lee Jae-gyun, CEO of Woongjin Energy, talks to InterPV ma...
LSIS: Taking a System Approach to Solar
2011 and the beginning of 2012 mark a very difficult time in the solar industry, resulting from significant price competition among cell and module manufacturers, the reduction or elimination of solar programs and incentives in several geographies, and an overall industry image m...
JA Solar: Transitioning from a Cell Manufacturer to a Module Provider
JA Solar Holdings Co., Ltd., was founded in 2005 and has been listed on the New York NASDAQ (JASO) since 2007. Up to date, JA Solar has shipped the cumulative of more than 4 GW of cells and about 1 GW of modules. According to the latest SolarBuzz market research report, JA Solar ...
Making PV as Cost-Efficient as Fossil-Fuel Fired Plants
T-Solar is a company who focuses its activity on the design, development, commissioning, operation of large-size photovoltaic power farms and state-of-the-art thin-film silicon modules. This process consumes less power and uses approximately fifty times less raw materials than ot...
Shenzhen Sacred Solar Technology:Focusing on Opening Up New Markets
Located in Shenzhen, China, Shenzhen Sacred Industry Co., Ltd. was founded in October 2004 and targeted the market of electronic parts and components as a trading company in the early stage. Seeing the trend of rapid development of the solar energy industry with farsightedness an...
Hyundai Heavy Industries: Strengthening Its Core Competencies for Solar
The weak solar market conditions continue into 2012 affecting solar companies, big and small, across the globe. Amid confusion and uncertainty engulfing the solar industry, South Korean solar leader Hyundai Heavy Industries has made a notable change to its organization.On Septemb...
BIPV: Not about Fashion, But about Survival
People have associated Photovoltaics (PV) with installing PV modules at an angle of 45 degrees in the field and getting energy from them. Now Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) is used in modern building design that provides economy, eco-friendly and attractive in one packa...
Bosch Solar Energy: Living Up to Its Standards in Solar
“The Bosch brand is known throughout the world and is synonymous with long-standing tradition, technical expertise and international presence. We seek to live up to such a standard with our innovative products and solutions. This is what we strive for on a day-to-day basis,” says...
Conergy: Think Global and Act Local
Conergy delivers solar systems from a single source. As a system supplier, Conergy produces all the components for a solar installation under one roof. Offering engineering, procurement, construction and financing services, Conergy provides integrated and comprehensive services f...
French PV Market: Uncertainty Remains
Jean-Marc Scolari, Directeur General, Fronius France, talks about the current status of the PV market in France and the recent regulatory changes.
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