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<JUN, Issue, 2012>
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Suntech: The Global Solar Industry Should Avert a Trade War

Suntech responds to preliminary decision on tariffs in the antidumping investigation of PV cells from China.

Suntech Power Holdings Co., Ltd. (NYSE: STP), the worlds largest producer of solar panels, offers the following statement regarding the U.S. Department of Commerce’s preliminary decision to impose Antidumping Duties (AD) of 31.22% on Suntech’s crystalline silicon photovoltaic cells imported from China.

“These duties do not reflect the reality of a highly-competitive global solar industry. Suntech has consistently maintained a positive gross margin as revenues are higher than our cost of production. We will work closely with the Department of Commerce prior to their final decision to demonstrate why these duties are not justified by fact,” said Andrew Beebe, Suntechs Chief Commercial Officer.

“As a global company with global supply chains and manufacturing facilities in three countries, including the United States, we are providing our U.S. customers with hundreds of megawatts of quality solar products that are not subject to these tariffs,” continued Mr. Beebe.

“Despite these harmful trade barriers, we hope that the U.S., China and all countries will engage in constructive dialogue to avert a deepening solar trade war. Suntech opposes trade barriers at any point in the global solar supply chain. All leading companies in the global solar industry want to see a trade war averted. We need more competition and innovation, not litigation,” continued Mr. Beebe.



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