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<JUN, Issue, 2012>
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DEGER equips two solar parks in Bosnia-H...
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China Sourcing Fair: Solar & Energy Saving Pr...
October 19-22, 2012, AsiaWorld-Expo, Hong Kong

SEMI and SEIA Formalize Partnership to Grow S...
Partnership Promotes Solar Energy on National Level

Renewable energy in Ukraine
Selling solar energy directly to end consumers

Expansion of Power Cord Assortment
SCHURTER provides a broad range of cord sets. For a better overview, SCHURTER has consolidated its assortment to include a variety of frequently requested standard types. European and US cord sets, including the hospital grade ver...

Eurener expands in Latin America with new off...
• The photovoltaic module manufacturer strengthens its presence in the southern cone with the opening of trade offices in two emerging markets• They initiated representation on the continent with an office in Chile a y...

Clenergy earns a 40MW project contract
Facility will use PV-ezRack SolarTerrace I–B ground mounting system

KACO new energy Enters the Japanese Market
The South Korean subsidiary of KACO new energy, the German inverter manufacturer based in Neckarsulm, is to supply inverters to the largest Japanese system integrator. The scope is at least 50 megawatts.

Konarka Bankruptcy a Result of Technology Per...
Despite ample funding, Konarka’s modules could not compete in the market on cost, efficiency, or lifetime, validating Lux Research’s history of ‘strong caution’ ratings.

Bankruptcy Fears for LDK Solar
Chinese photovoltaics leader LDK Solar (LDK) is headed for bankruptcy according to industry observers within China, due to its immense debt burden and a global downturn in the solar energy market.

Solar Module Shipments to North America Could...
US antidumping tariffs could suspend 45% of solar module shipments to North America.

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